4Lori Demo,Larry Dailey,Mary srlillman.The Convergence Continuum:A Model for Studying Collaboration Between Media Newsroom.A Paper Submitted to the Newspaper Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and mass Communication,Kansas City,Missouri,July-August,2003.
5Bill, J.A., and R. L. Hardgrave, Jr. Comparative Politics The Quest for Theory. Columbus, Ohio:Charles E. Merrill. Especially PP.21-40 Dealing with the scientific method.
6Stephen Quinn and Vincent F. Filak, Deitors(2005) Convergent Journalism:An lntroduction,(p.5),Elsevier Inc.
7Andrew Nachison ( 2001 ) Good business or good journalism? Lessons from the bleeding edge, A presentation to the World Editors ' Forum, Hong Kong, June5, 2001
8Rich Gordon ( 2003 ) The meanings and implication of convergence.In K.Kawamoto,Ed.,Digital journalism:Emerging Media and the Changing Horizons of Journalism(pp.57-73). New York:Rowman &Littlefield.
9Dailey,L.,Demo,L.,& Spillman,M(2003).The convergence continuum: A model for studying collaboration between media newsrooms. Paper presented at the Association for Education in journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Kansas City,MO.
10Stephen Quinn and Vincent F. Filak, Deitors(2005) Convergent Journalism:An lntroduction,(p.22),Elsevier Inc.