分享经济推动了旅游业的创新与转型,也引起了学者们的广泛关注。但现有研究多聚焦于概念和动机,对分享经济中的顾客公民行为却缺乏讨论。因此,文章以分享住宿平台Airbnb为研究对象,基于社会交换理论,以"刺激-有机体-反应"模型为研究框架,探究顾客多重互动、心理所有权与顾客公民行为倾向之间的关系。文章利用SPSS 20.0和AMOSS 20.0对收集的280份样本数据进行分析,结果表明在分享经济情境中,人机互动、人际互动、产品互动和主客互动都对心理所有权有积极影响;心理所有权正向影响公民行为倾向;同时,心理所有权在顾客多重互动与公民行为倾向之间存在中介作用。文章不仅为旅游学者研究分享经济提供新的思路和切入点,也为旅游管理实践提供了借鉴。
Sharing economy, as a new economic model, has been applied in several industries,especially in the accommodation and transportation sectors. Sharing the access to goods and services provides more efficient utilization of resources, reduces environment pollution, creates flexible lifestyle and further improves social capital through the Internet platform. Given the popularity of this new business model, the dark sides of the sharing economy trigger enormous controversies. Except for the legislative challenges, the conflicts between the stakeholders also draw attention from the society. For example, Airbnb’s landlords have constant complaints about property stolen by the tenants or receiving false online comments. Therefore, to promote the sustainable development of the sharing economy model in practice, it is of great significant to eliminate these negative effects from the conflicts between stakeholders. While the current literatures only discussed the definition and motivations of sharing economy, studies rarely discuss how to manage the negative effects.To narrow this research gap, this paper explores how service providers and platform managers can stimulate citizenship behaviors intention(favorable behaviors for the platform and as well as its members) in the context of sharing economy. Drawing on the social interaction theory and the StimulusOrganism-Response(S-O-R) framework, this paper examines the intertwined relationships between the multiple interactions of customers, psychological ownership and citizenship behaviors intention. The empirical results of this paper demostrate that the machine-user interaction, user-user interaction, hostguest interaction and product-related interaction have the positive effects on the psychological ownership. The psychological ownership has the positive influence on the citizenship behaviors intention. In addition, the psychological ownership plays a mediating role in the relationship between the multiple interaction and citizenship behaviors intention.There are three theoretical contributions exploring from this research. First, based on the characteristics of sharing economy, this study identifies four key interactive behaviors in the value creation of sharing economy. Second, this study extents the research on the psychological ownership to a new context,namely sharing economy. Third, this paper examines the mechanisms of forming citizenship behaviors intention in the context of sharing economy.This study also provides the practical implications for the service providers and platform managers. First, the platform managers should concern about the quality of network platform, such as optimizing algorithm for recommendation system, providing convenience information searching and navigation or encouraging users to post comments with pictures. Second, the consumers prefer to interact in the virtual space. Therefore the platform organizations should broaden the communication channels. Third, the platform organizations also should strengthen the evaluation and supervision to improve the quality of goods and service. Finally, the platforms should also organize some theme activities to enhance the connection between the consumers and providers.
MENG Tao;HE Chang(International Business College, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China;School of Business Administration, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China)
Tourism Tribune
sharing economy
multiple interaction
psychological ownership
citizenship behavior intention