In anticipation of massive population growth and continuing urbanization, urban futurists have historically formulated various normative visions for alternative urban futures. Despite the diverse agendas embedded in these different trends, the ambition of achieving order, balance, and beauty has a timeless appeal to planning professionals. One of the most enduring trends is polycentric planning which emerged during the second half of the 19th century, exemplified by the variants of human-scale Garden Cities envisioned by Ebenezer Howard, Patrick Geddes, Lewis Mumford, and Raymond Unwin[1]. These Garden Cities were characteristically planned metropolitan developments articulated through a number of clearly defined centers. The coordinated interrelationships between these nodes provided a foundation for an economic and planning strategy from which the rational construction of the modern metropolis could be articulated. Integrated transportation systems, efficient communication networks, and balanced communities could then be developed and land set aside for cultural and recreational purposes.
LU Xiaoxuan(Landscape Architecture at the University of Hong Kong)
Landscape Architecture Frontiers