
基于ESI和Incites的科研产出与学科竞争力分析——以天津中医药大学为例 被引量:6

Analysis on Scientific Research Output and Disciplinary Competitiveness Based on ESI and Incites-Taking Tianjin University of TCM as an Example
摘要 目的在“双一流”建设目标下,为本校决策者定位优势学科,发展潜力学科,优化学科布局提供决策依据,同时,也供本校师生学术研究与论文投稿参考。方法利用基本科学指标数据库(ESI)和InCites 分析功能及Excel 2016 对我校2007-2017 年的Web of Science(WoS)论文数量、发文期刊及所属学科领域、研究人员贡献度、国际合作机构及引文影响力等方面进行分析。结果在2018 年5 月更新的ESI 中检索到天津中医药大学有“药理学与毒理学”1 个学科入围被引前1%学科。基于Incites 平台数据进行分析发现,我校11 年的WoS 发文数及被引次数呈逐年上升趋势,梳理我校2 个潜力学科的高产出及高影响力作者论文贡献度及被引贡献度均大于1%的作者各有20 位。与我校合作最多的机构是地缘相近的天津高校。载有我校“药理学与毒理学”论文的期刊有85 种,其中≥4 篇的期刊共28 种,累计发文量占11 年论文总量的78.22%,累计被引次数占被引总量的83.72%;“临床医学”论文的期刊共130 种,其中≥4 篇的期刊共18 种,累计发文量占11 年论文总量的63.20%,累计被引次数占被引总量的50.00%。引文影响力方面,我校在论文总数、被引总频次、国际合作能力方面、被引次数排名前1%和10%的论文均处于低比例,没有达到国际高水平研究的平均水平;相对全球平均水平的影响力、学科规范化的引文影响力均<1,未达到全球平均研究水平。结论基于WoS 论文分析,我校近年的科研实力逐渐加强,未来学科发展势头良好,但被引数据均低于全球水平,需要进一步提高论文质量来提升竞争力。 Objective To provide decision-making basis of locating advantageous disciplines, developing potential disciplines, and optimizing the layout of disciplines for decision makers of Tianjin University of TCM under the goal of “double first-class” construction;To provide references for scientific research and paper submission of faculty and students in our university. Methods Essential Science Indicators (ESI) and InCites database were used to analyze the number of Web of Science (WoS) papers, published journals and subject areas, researchers’ contribution, international cooperation agencies and citation influence of our university in 2007-2017. Results In the ESI updated in May 2018, one of the subjects of “pharmacology and toxicology” found in Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was listed in the top 1% of cited disciplines. Based on the horizontal comparison of Incites platform data, the number of WoS papers and citations in our university has been on an increasing trend year by year in the past 11 years. There were 20 scholars each of whom contributed more than 1% to the high output and high influence of the two advantageous potential disciplines in our university. The organization that cooperated most with our school was Tianjin University which was close to our school geographically. There were 85 journals containing “pharmacology and toxicology” papers of our university, among which 28 journals had more than 4 papers. The total number of papers published accounts for 78.22% of the total number of papers published in 11 years, and the total number of citations accounted for 83.72%. There were 130 journals of “clinical medicine” papers, including 18 journals with 4 or more papers. The cumulative number of papers published accounted for 63.20% of the total number of papers published in 11 years, and the cumulative number of citations accounted for 50.00% of the total number of papers cited. In terms of citation influence, the percentage of papers ranked in the top 1% and 10% in terms of total number of papers, total cited frequency, international cooperation ability and cited times in our school was very low, which did not reach the average level of international high-level research. The influence related to the global average level and the influence of subject standardization citation were both less than 1, which did not reach the global average research level. Conclusion The scientific research strength of our university has been gradually strengthened in recent years according to WoS paper analysis, and the discipline development momentum in the future is good. However, the cited performance is lower than the global level, and the quality of papers needs to be further improved to enhance competitiveness.
作者 思金华 何俗非 SI Jin-hua;HE Su-fei(Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Tianjin 301617,China)
机构地区 天津中医药大学
出处 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2019年第4期13-20,共8页 Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science for Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 天津市教委科研计划项目(2018SK006) 天津市科学技术委员会科技发展战略研究计划(18ZLZXZF00050)
关键词 天津中医药大学 基本科学指标数据库 Incites Tianjin University of TCM Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Incites
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