The 6th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms, it was considered and adopted Several Suggestions on Establishing One Territorial Spatial Planning System and Supervising its Implementation. How to construct a supervision system for the implementation of territorial spatial planning and make it play an effective role is an important guarantee to embody the strategic, scienti fic and compatibility and authoritative of land spatial planning. This paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the current urban and rural planning and land use planning system, uses the game theory of planning rights to analyze the external game and internal game from the aspects of academic principles and jurisprudence. It puts forward the way to construct the supervision system of territorial spatial planning implementation from the four aspects of policies and regulations, technical standards, operational rules and feedback mechanism. It concludes that the supervisor and the object adjust their actions continuously in the multi-equilibrium game to reach Pareto's optimal equilibrium, and this process is not accomplished overnight and for a lifetime, but constantly revised and improved according to the actual external conditions and internal needs.
Game Theory of Planning Rights
Territorial Spatial Planning
Implementation Supervisory System