
聚焦调整谋发展 汇集智慧划未来 2019中国纸业高层峰会专题报道

Special report on “China Paper Industry Summit 2019”
摘要 2019年7月11~12日,由中国造纸协会主办、河南省造纸工业协会协办、中华纸业杂志社承办的“2019中国纸业高层峰会”在河南郑州隆重举行。本届峰会由郑州运达造纸设备有限公司、河南中亚智能科技股份有限公司作为战略合作单位,汉高(中国)投资有限公司、汶瑞机械(山东)有限公司作为支持单位。200多家参会单位涵盖了造纸及相关产业链上的企业、政府机构、协会组织、高校、科研院所、咨询机构、新闻媒体等,来自全国各地的350余位领导、专家、学者、企业家、高级管理和技术人员、咨询分析师等业内人士相聚一堂,共同聚焦热点,洞析趋势,提供策略。 The annual China Paper Industry Summit was held in Zhengzhou, Henan province on July 11-12, 2019. T he con ference was orga n i zed by Ch i na Paper Association(CPA), Henan Paper Association, and China Pulp and Paper Industry Publishing House, and supported by Zhengzhou Yunda Paper Machinery, Henan Zhongya Intelligent Technology, Henkel China and Wenrui Machinery(Shandong). More than 350 participants from over 200 pulp and paper companies and related organizations attended the conference.At present, there are increasingly appearing problems and difficulties facing China pulp and paper industry,leading to both capacity and benefits dropping. On one hand, it’s necessary to face up to current problems and find out solutions. On the another hand, we should also see the long-term development prospects of China’s economy, as well as the opportunities in China, the world’s largest and most promising paper consumption market, and secure long-term development in a scientific way, said Mr. Zhao Wei, the president of CPA, on the opening ceremony.The theme of the conference is "focus on industrial adjustment for further development, and bring wisdom to the future". There are three sections in the meeting, including industry focus, hotspot problems and CEO panel. Mr. Qian Yi, the secretary general of CPA, analyzed main problems and contradictions facing paper industry in his keynote speech entitled "structural adjustment and high-quality development of China paper industry in the new era". He pointed out that, it’s essential to fully understand the government policy and seek long-term sustainable development through structural adjustment. Pulp and paper companies need to focus on production, service and technology. He also analyzed the idea of laying a solid foundation for high-quality development from six aspects, and encouraged enterprises to seize the opportunity for further development. More than a dozen speech experts and entrepreneurs from China and oversea top research and consulting institutes, and pulp and paper enterprises gave speeches on several hot topics, including raw material supply, structural adjustment, technological innovation, environmental policy, overseas investment, operational excellence, new cycle, high-quality development, etc.Moreover, other activities such as "Zhongya" welcome banquet and CPPI 40 th annversary ceremony were also held during the conference. Conference participants were organized to visit Zhengzhou Yunda before the meeting. China Paper Industry Summit is held once a year and it have been ten years since its beginning. The conference has achieved a complete success with participants number reaching a new record.
机构地区 不详
出处 《中华纸业》 CAS 2019年第15期16-21,M0003,共7页 China Pulp & Paper Industry








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