目的探讨心内科护士职业倦怠对工作能力及离职意愿的影响。方法采用分层随机整群抽样法,调查绵阳市6家三甲综合医院312名心内科护士的职业倦怠情况及与其工作能力、离职意愿的相关性。结果 140人存在职业倦怠(44.87%),护士的情感衰竭、去人性化均值均明显低于常模,个人成就感均值明显高于常模(P<0.05)。不同离职意愿护士的情感衰竭、去人性化、个人成就感评分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。离职意愿很低的护士情感衰竭、去人性化评分最高,个人成就感评分最低;离职意愿很高的护士情感衰竭、去人性化评分最低,个人成就感评分最高。不同工作能力护士的职业倦怠各维度评分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。工作能力各维度与职业倦怠的情感衰竭、去人性化评分呈负相关,与个人成就感评分呈正相关(P<0.05)。离职意愿与职业倦怠的情感衰竭、去人性化评分均呈正相关,与个人成就感评分呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论心内科护士职业倦怠可降低工作能力,增加离职意愿,而工作能力和离职意愿又会影响职业倦怠。
Objective To explore the influence of job burnout on work ability and turnover intention of nurses in cardiology department. Methods A stratified random cluster sampling method was used to investigate 312 nurses in cardiology department of 6 third-level first-class hospitals in MianYang. Results 140 patients had job burnout(44.87%). The mean values of emotional exhaustion and dehumanization of the nurses were significantly lower than the norm,and the mean values of personal achievement were significantly higher than the norm(P<0.05). Comparison of scores of emotional exhaustion,dehumanization and personal achievement among the nurses with different intention to quit(P<0.05). Nurses with low intention to quit had the highest score of emotional exhaustion and dehumanization,and the lowest score of personal achievement. Nurses with high intention to quit had the lowest score of emotional exhaustion and dehumanization,and the highest score of personal achievement. There was significant difference of job burnout scores in different dimensions among the nurses with different working abilities(P<0.05). All dimensions of work ability were negatively correlated with emotional exhaustion and dehumanization score of job burnout,and positively correlated with personal achievement score(P<0.05). Turnover intention was positively correlated with emotional exhaustion and dehumanization score of job burnout,and negatively correlated with personal achievement score(P<0.05). Conclusions Job burnout of nurses in cardiology department can reduce work ability and increase turnover intention,while work ability and turnover intention will affect job burnout.
LI Xue-Lian;ZHU Tie-yan;XIE Xue-mei(Sichuan Mianyang No. 404 Hospital,Mianyang 621000 China)
Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases
Resignation intention
Job burnout
Ability to work
Heart medicine