IOT(Internet of things),smart ship and 3D printing are some key topics the industry focuses on right now.We will look into these topics from three aspects:technology,policy and future development.By using IOT,shipowners can improve the transparency of fleet management,safety and reliability of operation,economic performance and overall competitiveness.Under the background of“Internet+”strategy,IOT will play an important role in promoting the rapid development of society.In the future,IOT can be used in operation,design,logistics and etc.Smart ship will help the industry establish standards.China’s shipbuilding industry has been studying smart operation and maintenance system,marine meteorological system,Internet platform service and decision management.In 2018,the government published“the Smart Ship Development Action Plan(2019-2021)”.From the perspective of the classification society,the key technology of smart ship lies in artificial intelligence,communication technology,digital twin,augmented reality etc.3D printing,combined with traditional technologies,will be useful in producing special and complex parts&components.In shipbuilding industry,application of this technology is still in the early stage.In the near future,we plan to print injectors and other precision components.In the long run,we may achieve the goal of printing the whole ship.
Maritime China