
油用牡丹‘凤丹’单株结实量及产油品质分析 被引量:15

Analysis of the variation in yield and oil quality traits of selected Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’ individuals
摘要 【目的】油用牡丹‘凤丹’为生产种子及加工食用牡丹籽油的一个特殊牡丹品种,集药用、保健于一身,具有较高的经济价值。笔者开展以产量为重点,结合产油品质的选育研究,初步筛选出适宜进一步培育的单株。【方法】以南京六合栽植的6年生油用牡丹‘凤丹’的实生苗为材料,从初步优选植株中,选择31个高、中、低产单株,用核磁共振法测定各单株种子的含油率,用GC-MS(气相色谱-质谱)法测定种子中α-亚麻酸的含量,用隶属函数值法和聚类分析法进行综合评价。【结果】31个单株结实量均值为47.57 g,结实量最高的为高产1号(98.89 g),结实量最低的为低产31号,仅25.73 g;含油率均值为29.41%,其中中产10号、低产19号、低产20号、低产24号、低产26号和低产28号等6个单株的含油率高于30%,而中产12号的含油率仅23.59%;α-亚麻酸含量均值为34.89%,中产11号、中产13号的含量超过40%,而低产21号的含量仅为28.55%。通过隶属函数值法和聚类分析,将31个‘凤丹’单株分为3类,选出结实量、含油率、α-亚麻酸含量等3个指标综合表现优良的7个单株,可作为进一步观察培育优良单株的对象;第Ⅱ类中某一项或某两项指标表现特别突出的单株,可作为今后杂交育种的储备材料。【结论】油用牡丹‘凤丹’单株产量变异系数较大,各单株间结实量性状差异也较大;而α-亚麻酸含量、含油率两个指标变异系数相对较小,较为稳定。 【Objective】Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’ is a special peony variety for producing seeds and processing edible peony seed oil. It combines medicinal and health care value and has strong economic value. The author conducts a breeding research focus on yield and combining oil quality to initially screen out suitable individuals for further cultivation.【Method】We used 6-year-old ‘Feng Dan’ seedlings planted in Luhe, Nanjing, China, as experimental materials. In total, the 31 individuals with high, medium and low yields per individual were chosen from preliminarily selected plants. The seed oil content of each individual was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance, and the main unsaturated fatty acid(α-linolenic acid) content in the seeds of each individual was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC-MS).【Result】The average seed per individual was 47.57 g. The greatest and lowest yields were obtained from individual No.1 at 98.89 g and from individual No.31 at 25.73 g, respectively. The average oil content was 29.41%. The oil content of No. 10, 19, 20, 24, 26 and 28 were greater than 30%, while that of No.12 was only 23.59%. The average α-linolenic acid content was 34.89%. The α-linolenic acid content of No.11 and 13 were greater than 40%, while that of No.21 was only 28.55%. Using the subordinate functional value method and cluster analysis, the 31 ‘Feng Dan’ individuals were classified into three categories. Seven individuals with good comprehensive performance levels in Category I can be selected for further observation and the cultivation of high-quality individuals. In Category II, individuals with one or two desirable traits could be used as reserve materials for future cross breeding.【Conclusion】The coefficient of variation for yield per plant of oil tree peony is larger, and the difference in seed setting quantity among individual plants is larger, while the coefficient of variation of two indexes of α-linolenic acid content and oil content is relatively small, and the two characters are relatively stable.
作者 王怡晨 孙海燕 李永荣 陈会会 李淑娴 WANG Yichen;SUN Haiyan;LI Yongrong;CHEN Huihui;LI Shuxian(Co-Innovation Center for the Sustainable Forestry in Southern China,College of Forestry,Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037,China;Nanjing Green Universe Pecan Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210014,China;Suzhou Tainew Test Service Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215010,China)
出处 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期155-160,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD) 南京农业科技产学研合作示范基地项目(2019RHJD204)
关键词 油用牡丹'凤丹’ 单株结实量 含油率 α-亚麻酸含量 Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’ yield per individual oil content α-linolenic acid content
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