
交换抽象及其格式塔转换逻辑——论雷特尔对西方历史认识论的重构 被引量:3

Exchange Abstraction and its Format Tower Conversion Logic——On the Construction of the Core Concept of Epistemology of Historical Materialism
摘要 “交换抽象”是现代德国哲学家索恩-雷特尔在其著作《脑力劳动与体力劳动-西方历史的认识论》中提出的一个核心概念。根据这一概念,雷特尔将马克思的商品交换形式与康德的先验论相关联,并对西方认识论做了历史唯物主义的新阐释。交换抽象的特征表现为:首先它以其纯粹的形式性特征与思维抽象取得了形式上的可通约性,从而使得二者相类似;其次,交换抽象也是一种现实抽象。虽然它具有形式性特征,与思维抽象处于一种平行性的关系,但却与思维抽象有着本质差异,它为思维抽象的形成奠定了现实基础;最后,从交换抽象到思维抽象的转换是非常复杂的,它是在经历了对商品可变品性、感性质料的抽象后,以一种格式塔机制,通过社会综合效果来实现的。由此,康德的先天综合判断就被转化为雷特尔的“社会综合”概念,使之奠基于唯物主义的基础之上。不仅如此,交换抽象向思维抽象转换的格式塔逻辑非常类似于精神分析的无意识的形成和运作机制,它也就是齐泽克反复阐述的拉康的“对象a”的逻辑。以交换抽象为核心,将交换抽象、思维抽象、社会综合等概念统一起来,这标志着雷特尔用马克思的历史唯物主义来重构西方历史认识论的理论尝试。虽然这一探讨并非无懈可击,但对我们当今马克思主义理论的发展却具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 The "exchange abstraction "is a core concept put forward by modern German philosopher Sohn-Rethel in his book "Geistige und korperlicheArbeit: zur Epistemologie der abendl ndischen Geschichte". By applying this concept,Rethel associates Marx’s commodity exchange with Kant’s transcendentalism and makes a new interpretation of historical materialism on Western epistemology. The characteristics of the exchange abstraction are as follows: firstly,it obtains formal generality with its pure formal features and abstraction of thought,which makes the two similar;secondly,exchange abstraction is also a kind of realistic abstraction,although it has formal characteristics and is in a parallel relationship with the abstraction of thought,but it has an essential difference from the abstraction of thought. It lays a realistic foundation for the formation of abstraction of thought. Finally,the conversion from exchange abstraction to abstraction of thought is so complicated,it is realized through the use of a Gestalt mechanism as the integrated effect of the society after experiencing the abstraction of the product’s variable character and sensibility material. Thus,Kant’s congenital comprehensive judgment is transformed into Rethel’s concept "social synthesis" and based on materialism.The Gestalt logic of the exchange of abstraction to the abstraction of thought is similar to the formation and operation of unconscious mechanism of psychoanalysis,which is repeatedly elaborated by Zizek,that is Lacan’s"object a"logic. Take the exchange abstraction as the key concept,Rethel had unified the concepts of ex-change abstraction,thought abstraction and social synthesis. This demonstrates Rethel’s trying to use Marx’s historical materialism to reconstruct the theory of Western historical epistemology. Although this theoretical discussion is not impeccable,it has important implications for the development of our current Marxist theory both in theoretical and practical significance.
作者 孔明安 史凤阁 KONG Ming-an;SHI Feng-ge
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期45-52,170-171,共10页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“当前主要社会思潮的最新发展动态及其批判研究”(16ZDA101)阶段性成果
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