
美国公共行政的三大传统:模式、内涵及逻辑演进 被引量:1

Traditions of American Public Administration:Model,Connotation and Evolution Logic
摘要 任何国家的公共行政,都离不开特定的历史和传统,一旦偏离了这个传统或抛弃了这个传统,必然面临着何去何从的思想危机或身份危机。美国公共行政在建国之初逐步形成了三大传统:即以联邦集权为核心的汉密尔顿古典主义行政模式传统、以民主自由和分权为核心的杰斐逊浪漫主义行政模式传统、以利益集团和党争为核心的麦迪逊新古典主义行政模式传统,分别代表着美国公共行政的大政府传统、小政府传统以及平衡政府传统。美国公共行政的三大传统有时单独出现,有时共同出现,有时交叉出现,有时融合发展,共同推动着美国公共行政理论与实践的创新与超越。对于转型期的中国公共行政,必须在借鉴西方公共行政优秀成果的同时深刻立足中国国情并传承中国优秀的传统文化价值,促进公共行政理论与实践的不断创新与超越。 Public administration in any country can not be separated from specific history and tradition.Once it deviates from this tradition or abandons it,it will inevitably face the ideological crisis or identity crisis of where to go.At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of America,American public administration gradually formed three traditions:Hamilton’s classical administrative model with federal centralization as its core,Jefferson’s romantic administrative model with democratic freedom and decentralization as its core,Madison’s neoclassical administrative model with interest groups and party struggle as its core,representing the great,small and balancing government tradition of American public administration respectively.The three traditions of public administration in the United States sometimes appear alone,sometimes together,sometimes overlapping,sometimes merging,and promoting the innovation and transcendence of the theory and practice of public administration in the United States.For China’s public administration in the transitional period,we must learn from the excellent achievements of western public administration,and at the same time,deeply base ourselves on China’s national conditions and inherit the excellent traditionalcultural values of China,so as to promote the continuous innovation and transcendence of public administration theory and practice.
作者 李水金 李龙 Li Shuijin;Li Long(School of Management,The Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048;Priorities of Gansu Province Electric Power Company,Lanzhou 730030)
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期69-78,M0004,M0005,共12页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
关键词 公共行政 大政府 小政府 平衡政府 Public administration Big government Small government Balanced government
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