

Sustainable Exploration of Foreign Ecological Villages——A Case of Munksgaard Ecological Village in Denmark
摘要 随着城市化的发展,生态资源遭到严重破坏,自然灾害频发,这些不可持续发展的现象引起了社会和人们的广泛关注。国外生态村落发展时间久,体系成熟,具有参考性、说服性。通过对国外生态村落的发展进行研究和探索,分析丹麦蒙克斯戈德生态村并总结经验,为完善我国生态村落的发展体系提供可借鉴性的参考经验,进而促进其发展。 With the development of urbanization, ecological resources have been severely damaged, causing frequent natural disasters.These unsustainable phenomena have aroused widespread concern of the society and the people. The ecological villages in foreign countries have developed for a long time, and its system is mature, which is reference and persuasive. Through the research and exploration of the development of foreign ecological villages, the Danish Munksgaard Ecological Village is analyzed and the experience is summarized, the development system of China’s ecological villages is improved, and reference experience is provided to promote its development.
作者 姜奇奇 Jiang Qiqi(College of Fine Arts,Shanxi University,Taiyuan Shanxi 030024,China)
出处 《城市建筑》 2019年第11期35-36,共2页 Urbanism and Architecture
关键词 生态村落 可持续 优循环 合作居住 ecological village sustainable excellent cycle cooperative living
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