
现代之塔,共有之物,常民之用 一个“International”、社会主义意识倾向的花房艺术中心

A Tower of Modernity, of the Community, for Everyman A Botanic Art Centre with the "International" and Socialist Ideology
摘要 古今中外常以高耸的塔作为形式的论定,而赋予塔的象征性意义则有承担防御、传递情感、缅怀祭祀、地区标志、纳藏蓄水、荣誉纪念、观景瞭望等多重功能。位于河北衡水植物园的花房艺术中心的"塔"也不意外,它既有传递情感、观景瞭望的功能,同时也将成为衡水植物园的标志,而它的形成以及以它为"中心"而组织生成的花房艺术中心的"整体"尊重场地历史,回应了老砖窑的文化与精神,建立起一个现代的、共有的、常民所用的新的建筑。文章试图以下列几个观点--预谋的回应与连结、表与里的体验与置换、时代的对比与关联、平等与自决、一种独特的存在,去评述花房艺术中心、红砖塔在当代建筑中的意义与价值:是存在的,还是游走于边缘?是"international"的,也是社会主义意识倾向的。 Regardless of when and where,it is common to have the soaring tower as a claim of form.Tower also bears certain symbolic meanings and functions such as defense,expression of emotion,remembrance of the sacrifice,regional icon,water storage,honor and memorial,and overlooking.The Tower of Botanic Art Centre,as expected,has the function of expressing emotions and overlooking,as well as being the cultural symbol of Hengshui Botanic Park.The holistic entity of the Tower and the Botanic Art Centre,which is formed with the Tower as the center,established a new architecture that is modern,communal,and civil while respecting the history of the site and reflecting the culture and spirit of the traditional brick kiln.In this article,we aim to evaluate the meaning and value,whether existential or marginal,international or socialist,of the Botanic Art Centre and the Tower of Bricks.Several perspectives are considered:premeditated reflection and connection to history,the experience and replacement of the exterior and the interior,the contrast and association of different eras,equality and self-determination,and finally,a unique existence.
作者 黄元炤 HUANG Yuanzhao
机构地区 ADA研究中心
出处 《时代建筑》 2019年第4期130-139,共10页 Time + Architecture
关键词 物质与精神 体验与置换 开放性 形式和谐 共同幻想 材料自律 控制与制约 平等与自决 独特的存在 Matter and Spirituality Experience and Replacement Openness Harmonious Form Communal Illusion Material Autonomy Control and Restraint Equality and Self-determination Unique Existence
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