
唐宋花鸟画对当代陶瓷花鸟绘画的影响 被引量:6

The Influence of Flower and Bird Painting in Tang and Song Dynasties on Contemporary Ceramic Flower and Bird Painting
摘要 在中国艺术中,花鸟画是重要的画科,花鸟在纸本和绢本上装饰早于瓷器,创作研究陶瓷花鸟艺术必定少不了需要先了解唐宋时期的花鸟画。凡以花卉、花鸟、鱼虫等为描绘对象的画,称之为花鸟画。花鸟画中的画法有"工笔"、"写意"、"兼工带写"三种,写意又有大写意和小写意之分。工笔花鸟画即用浓、淡墨勾勒动象,再深浅分层次着色;写意花鸟画即用简练概括的手法绘写对象;介于工笔和写意之间的就称为兼工带写,形态逼真。花鸟画在唐朝开始成为独立画科,开始出现画花鸟的画家,比如薛稷、边鸾。五代时期花鸟画更加细密,且出现不同的风格特点,以"徐熙野逸,黄荃富贵"为代表。到了南宋,宫廷开设"翰林书画院"开始出现院体画,画院一半以上的画家画花鸟,这一时期的花鸟画是中国花鸟画发展史上一个高峰。就工笔画鸟来说,在整个花鸟画史上唐宋应该是达到了极致,是值得我么学习和敬畏的。具有书卷味的陶瓷花鸟画是在清末民初至建国初期出现,主要代表是"珠山八友"和王步先生。在当代陶瓷花鸟画更是丰富,笔者也是笔耕瓷上多年,主要创作粉彩花鸟,本文就以笔者对唐宋花鸟画的研究后对自己陶瓷花鸟创作影响来论述。 In Chinese art, flower-and-bird painting is an important branch of painting. Flower-and-bird decoration on paper and silk is earlier than that on porcelain. To create and study ceramic flower-and-bird art, it is necessary to first understand the flower-and-bird painting in Tang and Song Dynasties. All paintings with flowers, flowers, birds, fish and insects as their objects are called flower and bird paintings. There are three kinds of painting methods in flower and bird paintings: meticulous brushwork, freehand brushwork and part-time work with writing. Fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting is to use thick and light ink to outline the image, and then shallow layers of color;freehand brushwork flower-and-bird painting is to use concise and generalized methods to draw objects;between fine brushwork and freehand brushwork, it is called part-time work with vivid shape. Flower and bird painting began to become an independent branch of painting in the Tang Dynasty.Flower and bird painters began to appear. Flower and bird paintings in the Five Dynasties were more detailed and had different style characteristics, represented by Xu Xiyeyi and Huang Quan Fugui. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the Court opened the "Hanlin Academy of Calligraphy and Painting" and began to appear the courtyard body painting. More than half of the painters in the Academy painted flowers and birds. Flower and bird painting in this period was a peak in the development history of Chinese flower and bird painting. As far as bird painting is concerned, the Tang and Song dynasties should have reached the acme in the whole history of flower and bird painting, which is worthy of our study and awe. Porcelain flower-and-bird paintings with scroll flavor appeared in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. They are mainly represented by "Eight Friends of Pearl Mountain". They are more abundant in contemporary ceramic flower-and-bird paintings. The author has been working on pen-and-plough porcelain for many years, mainly creating pink flower-and-bird paintings. This paper discusses the influence of the author’s research on flower-and-bird paintings of Tang and Song Dy.
作者 沈姣 江皓晨 Shen Jiao;Jiang Hhaochen(Shiyi Porcelain Talk,Jingdezhen City,333000)
机构地区 诗逸瓷话
出处 《陶瓷研究》 2019年第2期85-88,共4页 Ceramic Studies
关键词 陶瓷花鸟画 探究 创作 ceramic flower and bird painting exploration creation
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