
Gaussian decomposition and component pigment spectral analysis of phytoplankton absorption spectra 被引量:1

Gaussian decomposition and component pigment spectral analysis of phytoplankton absorption spectra
摘要 The absorption spectrum of phytoplankton is an important bio-optical parameter for ocean color hyperspectral remote sensing;its magnitude and shape can be aff ected considerably by pigment composition and concentration. We conducted Gaussian decomposition to the absorption spectra of phytoplankton pigment and studied the spectral components of the phytoplankton, in which the package effect was investigated using pigment concentration data and phytoplankton absorption spectra. The decomposition results were compared with the corresponding concentrations of the five main pigment groups (chlorophylls a , b , and c , photo-synthetic carotenoids (PSC), and photo-protective carotenoids (PPC)). The results indicate that the majority of residual errors in the Gaussian decomposition are <0.001 m^-1 , and R 2 of the power regression between characteristic bands and HPLC pigment concentrations (except for chlorophyll b) was 0.65 or greater for surface water samples at autumn cruise. In addition, we determined a strong predictive capability for chlorophylls a , c , PPC, and PSC. We also tested the estimation of pigment concentrations from the empirical specific absorption coeffi cient of pigment composition. The empirical decomposition showed that the Ficek model was the closest to the original spectra with the smallest residual errors.The pigment decomposition results and HPLC measurements of pigment concentration are in a high consistency as the scatter plots are distributed largely near the 1:1 line in spite of prominent seasonal variations. The Wozniak model showed a better fit than the Ficek model for Ch1 a , and the median relative error was small. The pigment component information estimated from the phytoplankton absorption spectra can help better remote sensing of hyperspectral ocean color that related to the changes in phytoplankton communities and varieties. The absorption spectrum of phytoplankton is an important bio-optical parameter for ocean color hyperspectral remote sensing;its magnitude and shape can be affected considerably by pigment composition and concentration.We conducted Gaussian decomposition to the absorption spectra of phytoplankton pigment and studied the spectral components of the phytoplankton,in which the package effect was investigated using pigment concentration data and phytoplankton absorption spectra.The decomposition results were compared with the corresponding concentrations of the five main pigment groups(chlorophylls a,b,and c,photo-synthetic carotenoids(PSC),and photo-protective carotenoids(PPC)).The results indicate that the majority of residual errors in the Gaussian decomposition are<0.001 m-1,and R2 of the power regression between characteristic bands and HPLC pigment concentrations(except for chlorophyll b)was0.65 or greater for surface water samples at autumn cruise.In addition,we determined a strong predictive capability for chlorophylls a,c,PPC,and PSC.We also tested the estimation of pigment concentrations from the empirical specific absorption coefficient of pigment composition.The empirical decomposition showed that the Ficek model was the closest to the original spectra with the smallest residual errors.The pigment decomposition results and HPLC measurements of pigment concentration are in a high consistency as the scatter plots are distributed largely near the 1:1 line in spite of prominent seasonal variations.The Wozniak model showed a better fit than the Ficek model for Chla,and the median relative error was small.The pigment component information estimated from the phytoplankton absorption spectra can help better remote sensing of hyperspectral ocean color that related to the changes in phytoplankton communities and varieties.
出处 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第5期1542-1554,共13页 海洋湖沼学报(英文)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.91638201,41276184,41771388 41471308,41571361,41701402) the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA2003030201) the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Nos.2017YFB0503005,2016YFC1400903,2016YFB0501502) the High Resolution Earth Observation Systems of National Science and Technology Major Projects(No.41-Y20A31-9003-15/17) the China-Sri Lanka Joint Research and Demonstration Center for Water Technology,and the State Development and Reform Commission’s Special Financial Projects(No.2017ST000602)
关键词 PHYTOPLANKTON ABSORPTION spectrum PIGMENT concentration GAUSSIAN DECOMPOSITION phytoplankton absorption spectrum pigment concentration Gaussian decomposition
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