

Inheriting the Shang Culture or Complying with the Zhou System:Confucianism from the Perspective of the "Weiyi" Cultivation
摘要 仁与礼是孔子思想的最深内核,同时也是他生命最高追求的一体两面。落实于个人修养,这“一体两面”又可具身化为外表的“容仪”与内心的“爱人”,合而言之即春秋君子所普遍追求的“威仪”人格。可以说正是因为继承与提升了前代君子的“威仪观”,才成就了孔子的思想与人格。而拥有儒家乃至中华文明至高人格象征的孔子却明言自己并非生而为圣,他经历过贫穷、卑贱的童年,也有过迷狂于族群主义的青年,以及随之而来的对权力孜孜以求的中年,这些都是他生命境界提升之路上不可逃避的局限与障碍,他都一一克服。在“五十而知天命”的蜕变之后,他同时兼具的“殷商遗民”与“鲁国子民”的两种身份最终达成和解;在此基础上,他以身作则,完美地使殷、周两种文明相互交融。不仅如此,他还在关乎人的本质层面,在紧紧把握“三代”文明最深脉动的基础上,提出了“人不可与鸟兽群”“九夷可以为君子”的人类情怀与“天下”意识。总之,从“威仪”视域出发,不仅可以鲜活地还原孔子的生命历程,使我们重新认识一个不一样的孔子,更能从其人类情怀与“天下”的意识中,隐约看到建构人类命运共同体的优秀传统文化资源。 Benevolence and ceremony were the deepest core of Confucian thoughts, and they were also the two sides of the highest pursuit of his life.Implemented in personal cultivation, they can be embodied in the appearance of courtesy and inner love for others.In short, they were the "Weiyi(威仪)" personality that the gentlemen(君子) of the Spring and Autumn Period generally pursued.It can be said that it was precisely because of inheritance and the promotion of the view of"Weiyi" that Confucian thought and personality were achieved. However, Confucius, as the symbol of the supreme personality of the Chinese civilization, clearly stated that he was not a natural saint.He has experienced a barren childhood, a youthful age fascinated by nationalism, and a middle age chasing power.These were the inescapable limitations and obstacles on the road to the promotion of his life, and he had overcome them one by one.After the awakening of the age of 50, his two identities - a descendant of Shang Dynasty and a citizen of Lu - finally reached a settlement.On the basis of this settlement, Confuciusalso set an example and perfectly blended the two civilizations of Yin and Zhou. In addition, he was still concerned with the essence of human beings, and on the basis of grasping the deepest pulsation of the "three generations" civilization, he put forward his own feelings about the whole humanity and the consciousness about the world, such as the idea that "people cannot group with birds and beasts" and "barbarians can also be gentlemen".In short, from the perspective of "Weiyi", not only can the life course of Confucius be vividly restored, but also a different Confucius can be re-defined.In addition, this work can provide excellent traditional cultural resources for the theory of building a community of shared future for humanity.
作者 石超 SHI Chao
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期42-50,197-198,共11页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“威仪三千:古典儒学身体政治哲学研究”(18FZX036),项目负责人:石超
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