Objective: To discuss the clinical efficacy of the Dingchuan decoction(定喘汤) on asthma of the Tanre Yunfei type(痰热蕴肺型) during acute exacerbation in the elderly. Methods: 60 elderly patients with acute exacerbation of asthma in our hospital were enrolled in this study. They were divided into the routine group and study group by computer randomization, 30 cases in each. The routine group was given conventional treatment, and the study group was treated with Dingchuan decoction more. Results: The clinical efficacy in the study group was 96.67%, higher than 73.33% in the routine group, P<0.05. The lung function indexes in the study group were significantly better than the routine group, P<0.05. The disappearance time of symptoms in the study group was significantly shorter than that in the routine group, with statistical difference, P<0.05. Conclusion: The Dingchuan decoction on acute asthma in elderly patients is significant effective, can effectively improve the disappearance time of various lung function indicators and symptoms, and is worthy of promotion.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
The Dingchuan decoction
Elderly patients
Asthma during acute exacerbation in the elderly