

Construction of Uniform Design Based on Complementary Design Method
摘要 均匀设计是计算机试验和稳健试验的重要方法。文章将完全因析设计剖分为两个子设计,它们互为补设计。基于补设计理论,在两种重要的偏差下研究了原设计均匀性与其补设计均匀性之间的关系,得到了用于构造更大均匀设计的结论,丰富了均匀设计与因析设计的理论。 Uniform design is an important method for computer experiments and robust experiments. This paper splits a full factorial design into two sub-designs, which complement each other. Based on the complementary design theory, the paper makes a study on the relationship between the uniformity of the original design and the uniformity of the complementary design under two important deviations to draw a conclusion for constructing larger uniform design, which enriches the theory of uniform design and factorial design.
作者 邹娜 蔡艳丽 仵思融 Zou Na;Cai Yanli;Wu Sirong(School of Statistics and Mathematics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China)
出处 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第15期18-21,共4页 Statistics & Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11401596) 国家社会科学基金资助项目(17BTJ034)
关键词 均匀设计 混合偏差 Lee偏差 补设计 uniform design mixture deviation Lee deviation complementary design
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