目的探讨近红外光谱测定之区域组织血氧饱和度(rSO2)和血清乳酸联合预测先天性心脏病术后早期转归的价值。方法 2016年12月至2017年9月,纳入73例先天性心脏手术后患儿,男43例、女30例,年龄(91±18)d,根据转归分为早期转归不良组和转归良好组。应用二元logistic回归方法预测不良转归的独立危险因素,以受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线确定最佳界值。结果早期转归不良率为47%。腹部rSO2谷值水平、乳酸峰值水平是预测不良转归的2个独立因素。腹部rSO2谷值单独预测不良转归的ROC曲线下面积为0.897。乳酸峰值单独预测不良转归的ROC曲线下面积为0.867。联合腹部rSO2谷值和乳酸峰值后,转归不良的ROC曲线下面积增加至0.944(P<0.05)。结论术后24 h内腹部rSO2谷值、乳酸峰值在预测先天性心脏病手术后早期转归方面具有价值,联合二者能提升转归不良的准确性。
Objective To assess the predictive abilities of postoperative regional oxygen saturation(rSO2 measured by near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) and lactate level for early postoperative outcome in children undergoing congenital heart disease surgery. Methods A total of 73 children(43 males, 30 females, mean age of 91±18 days)undergoing cardiovascular surgery were enrolled from December 2016 to September 2017. The 73 children were divided into an early poor outcome group and a without poor outcome group. Binary logistic regression method was used to determine the independent factors of predicting early poor outcome. Receiver operating characteristic curve was used to identify the optimal cutoff values. Results The early poor outcome rate was 47%. By regression analyses, nadir splanchnic rSO2 values, peak lactate level were 2 independent factors of predicting poor outcome. For nadir splanchnic rSO2 alone, the area under the ROC curve for poor outcome were 0.897. For peak lactate alone, the area under the ROC curve for poor outcome was 0.867. After combination of nadir splanchnic rSO2 and peak lactate, the area under the ROC curve for poor outcome increased to 0.944(P<0.05). Conclusion Combining the parameter of nadir splanchnic rSO2 and peak lactate during the first postoperatively 24 hours yielded to a more accurate predictive ability for early outcome in children undergoing congenital cardiac surgery.
HUANG Jihong;XU Zhuoming;ZHANG Mingjie;CAI Jiming(Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Department of Pediatric Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Medical School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200127, P.R.China)
Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery