

Taking Xi Jinping’s New Era Socialist Economic Thought with Chinese Characteristics as a guide to Rural Revitalization in Guangdong——A new leap of Rural Production Relations in the New Era in the Revitalization of Guangdong rural areas
摘要 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义经济思想是马克思主义中国化的最新成果,其理论特质集中体现为坚持走社会主义市场经济道路,坚持共同富裕,坚持城乡融合,坚持新发展理念,坚持底线思维。这一思想为广东乡村振兴,促进农村生产关系新跨越提供了指引,即在土地三权分置、村干部绩效考核、党群关系协调中要维护个人、集体与国家利益的平衡才能形成社会发展的合力。广东乡村振兴实践表明,土地流转是培育规模经营的前提,土地股份制则是农村生产关系的大跨越;按劳分配是社会主义的基本属性;城乡融合发展才能实现乡村产业振兴与人才振兴良性互动。在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义经济思想引领下,广东农村将在坚持市场导向、坚持开放创新、坚持共同富裕的旗帜下走出振兴之路。 Xi Jinping’s Socialist Economic Thought in the New Era with Chinese Characteristics is the latest achievement of Marxism in China.Its theoretical characteristics concentrate on adhering to the socialist market economy,common prosperity,urban-rural integration,the new development concept,and the bottom line thinking.This idea guides the revitalization of rural areas in Guangdong and the promotion of a new leap in rural production relations.It is necessary to maintain the balance between individual,collective,and national interests in the separation of powers(land ownership,use rights,and management rights),performance appraisal of village cadres,and coordination of party and group relations.The practice of rural revitalization in Guangdong shows that land transfer is the premise of cultivating large-scale operation.The land shareholding system is a big leap in rural production relations.Distribution by workload is the fundamental attribute of socialism.Urban and rural integration development can realize the benign interaction between rural industrial revitalization and talent revitalization.Under the leadership of Xi Jinping’s Socialist Economic Thought in the New Era with Chinese Characteristics,Guangdong’s rural areas will follow the path of revival under the banner of adhering to market orientation,persisting in open innovation,and upholding common prosperity.
作者 刘伟 Liu Wei(Guangdong academy of social sciences,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China 510623)
出处 《深圳信息职业技术学院学报》 2019年第3期1-7,共7页 Journal of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology
关键词 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义经济思想 三权分置 乡村振兴 农村生产关系 Xi Jinping’s Socialist Economic Thought in the New Era with Chinese Characteristics separation of powers(Land Ownership,Use Rights,and Management Rights) Rural Revitalization Rural Production Relations
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