
新的超低功耗短距离无线通信在输血领域中的应用 被引量:3

Application of new ultra-low power short-distance wireless communication in the field of blood transfusion
摘要 目的本文旨在探讨一种新的超低功耗短距离无线通信技术在输血领域的应用。方法把复杂的Mesh组网交给IP层完成,采用有源设计,标签可集成多种传感器并自行储存数据,进行全流程的血液制品冷链、信息、位置等监管。结果该技术结构上更简洁,集成温度传感器的标签完全满足血液制品采集到输注的全流程冷链、信息监管、位置记录及追踪等功能。结论超低功耗短距离无线通信实现了高效的血液制品全流程冷链、信息监管,位置记录及追踪能力。比被动RFID等传统设备更强大和灵活,同时该技术具备中国完全知识产权,开放、共享,使用该标准不需要付版权费,值得深入研究和推广。 Objective To explore the application of a new ultra-low power short-distance wireless communication in the field of blood transfusion. Methods Label complete the complex Mesh network by the IP layer. With active design, the label can integrate multiple sensors and store data by itself. It can supervise the cold chain, information and location of blood products in the whole process.Results The technology structure is more concise, and the label of integrated temperature sensor fully met the functions of cold chain, information supervision, location recording and tracking of the whole process of blood collection and transfusion. Conclusion The ultra-low power short-distance wireless communication achieves high efficiency in cold chain, information supervision, location recording and tracking of blood products. It is more powerful and flexible than traditional devices such as passive RFID.At the same time, the technology has complete intellectual property rights in China. It is open and shared. It does not need to pay copyright fee to use the standard. It is worth further research and promotion.
作者 何屹 李倩 陈文辉 袁红 HEY Yi;LI Qian;CHEN Wenhui;YUAN Hong(Department of Blood Transfusion, Sichiuin Academy of Medical Sciences, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital , Chengdu 610072, China;ShenZhen Galaxywind Network Systems Co. Ltd.)
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 2019年第6期595-598,共4页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
基金 四川省科学技术厅四川省软科学研究计划项目《医学实验室质量和能力认可体系管理系统的建立暨推动四川省医学实验室质量和能力认可工作》(2016ZR0080)
关键词 超低功耗短距离无线通信 输血 应用 cultra-low power short-range wireless communication transfusion application
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