
基于“质量-产出-效率”的辽宁省耕地利用分区 被引量:15

Zoning of cultivated land use in Liaoning Province based on "quality-output-efficiency"
摘要 耕地利用分区是引导区域耕地未来发展方向的重要依据,保证区片空间的连通是增强耕地利用分区管理可实施性的关键。以辽宁省为研究区,采用两维图论聚类和 GIS 空间分析相结合的方法,基于耕地利用“质量-产出-效率”的分区指标进行耕地利用综合分区,并探究各分区耕地利用方向。结果表明:1)研究区各县(市)耕地自然质量、产出水平和利用效率之间存在一定空间差异,高值区主要分布于辽宁中部和北部地区,低值区主要分布在辽宁东部和南部,西部地区耕地利用状况参差不齐;2)将辽宁省划分为辽西粮食生产及生态保护区、辽中耕地综合开发先导区、辽东水田及特色农业种植区、辽南耕地效率及产能挖掘区和辽中南耕地利用转型升级区 5 个耕地利用区;3)两维图论聚类和 GIS 空间分析相结合的分区方法有效保证了耕地利用分区相邻单元空间上的连通性和行政区界的完整性,对于耕地利用分区具有较好的适用性。研究结果有利于耕地利用分区的统一管理和实施,对综合引导区域耕地利用方向具有一定参考作用。 Cultivated land use zoning is an important part of China's land use management, and it is an important basis for guiding the future development of cultivated land in the region. It is the key to enhance the feasibility of the management of cultivated land use. Most studies have focused on the selection of zoning elements and indicators for cultivated land use, often overlooking the spatial connectivity between the cultivated land use partition units and the integrity of administrative divisions, directly affecting the zoning management effect of cultivated land use. How to adopt the scientific zoning method, and take into account the differences, similarities and spatial connectivity between partitioned units is an urgent problem to be solved. In order to guide the orderly development of regional space according to local conditions, alleviate the pressure of cultivated land protection and enhance the value of cultivated land, in this paper, Liaoning Province was taken as research area, and two-dimensional graph theory clustering and GIS spatial analysis were adopted. Based on the zoning indicators of cultivated land use quality, output and efficiency, the comprehensive zoning of cultivated land use was carried out, and the utilization direction of cultivated land in each district was explored. The results showed that: 1) There were some spatial differences in the natural quality, output level and use efficiency of cultivated land among the counties (cities) in the study area. The high-value areas were mainly distributed in the central and northern areas of Liaoning. The low-value areas were mainly distributed in the east and south of Liaoning Province, while the western areas were uneven. 2) The research area was divided into five cultivated land use areas: Grain production and ecological protection area in western Liaoning, pilot area of comprehensive development of cultivated land in central Liaoning, paddy field and characteristic agricultural planting area in eastern Liaoning, potential tapping area of cultivated land efficiency and productivity in southern Liaoning and transformation and upgrading area of cultivated land utilization in central and Southern Liaoning. 3) The zoning method combining two-dimensional graph theory clustering and GIS spatial analysis effectively guaranteed the connectivity of the adjacent unit space of the cultivated land and the integrity of the administrative boundary, which has good applicability to the cultivated land use zoning;it was conducive to the unified management and implementation of the use of cultivated land. This paper selected the cultivated land use quality, output level and utilization efficiency as key indicators to reflect the status of cultivated land use, and to divide cultivated land into different utilization areas, and combined with the main functional area planning to determine the future direction of cultivated land use, it has certain practical reference value for comprehensive guidance of regional cultivated land use and development. The cultivated land use zoning results neglect the difference between the internal units of individual zoning to some extent, but this difference has to be neglected in order to achieve spatial connectivity. To better realize the cultivated land use, it is necessary to formulate differentiated cultivated land use guidance policies and guarantee mechanisms according to the actual conditions of each area to ensure the effective implementation of cultivated land use management.
作者 张红梅 宋戈 王思琢 Zhang Hongmei;Song Ge;Wang Sizhuo(Institute of Land Management, School of Humanities and Law, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110169, China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第13期234-242,共9页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41571165,41071346) 辽宁省自然资源科技创新项目(19LNZRZY28)
关键词 土地利用 分区 耕地 两维图论聚类 辽宁省 land use zoning cultivated land two dimensional graph theory clustering Liaoning Province
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