

Temperature field of passive heat dissipating lithium-ion battery pack
摘要 作为电动汽车的动力来源,动力电池的性能大大影响着电动汽车的安全及寿命,而电池的温度均匀性则是保证电池性能的关键因素之一。提出一种被动式散热结构辅助电池组均温散热,建立电池组有限元模型,通过软件流固耦合仿真得到电池组温度场分布;设置环境温度、放电倍率作为自变量,响应面法分析最大温升、温差和实际温度对自变量的响应规律。结果表明响应面方程能较好拟合电池的生热规律,该被动散热结构能有效控制电池组最高温度,提升电池组热均匀性。 As the power source of electric vehicle, the performance of the battery greatly affects the safety and life of the electric vehicle, and the temperature uniformity of the battery is one of the key factors to ensure the performance of the battery. The passive heat dissipating structure was proposed to assist the battery to cool down. The finite element model was set up, and the temperature distribution was obtained by fluid-solid coupling simulation. The environment temperature and discharge ratio were set as the independent variable, and the response surface method was used to analyze the response law. The results show that the response surface equation is better to fit the heat generation law of the battery. The structure can effectively control the maximum temperature and improve the thermal uniformity.
作者 安治国 高梓豪 李瑚 徐隐凤 郭敬谊 AN Zhi-guo;GAO Zi-hao;LI Hu;XU Yin-feng;GUO Jing-yi(School of Mechanotronics & Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China;School of Foreign Languages, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China)
出处 《电源技术》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第7期1140-1143,共4页 Chinese Journal of Power Sources
基金 重庆市自然科学基金项目(cstc2016jcyj A0467) 重庆市科委基础科学与前沿技术研究(重要)项目(cstc2015jcyj B0333)
关键词 动力电池 温度场 数值分析 响应面法 power battery temperature field numerical analysis response surface method
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