
论《欧盟版权指令》的改革举措及其借鉴——基于虚拟现实新业态产业的分析 被引量:5

Research on the Reform Measures and Reference of DSM——from the Perspective of VR New Business Ecology
摘要 为了因应数字经济时代的挑战,欧盟与我国都不遗余力地开启了著作权法的修订工作,2019年颁布的《欧盟版权指令》也引起了我国版权界的关注。基于虚拟现实新业态产业的角度而言,《欧盟版权指令》的改革举措未能有效地体现VR作品的跨行业、跨空间、跨规则等特性,在具体规则方面缺乏VR作品属性及全景自由条款的规制,但在网络平台版权监管和侵权责任以及纠纷解决机制的改革方面具有相对进步性。以此为鉴,我国应尽早在《著作权法》中明晰VR作品属性、摒弃欧陆式的“著作权例外”模式而采用“合理使用”立法例、适度建立VR内容共享服务平台的事先授权机制,以及鼓励建立第三方VR自治组织、探索“VR+ODR”途径以完善多元纠纷解决机制,以加强我国新业态新领域的著作权保护。 In order to meet the challenge of the digital economy era, both EU and China have spared no effort to start the revision of the copyright law, and DSM of 2019 has also attracted the attention of copyright observers in China. From the perspective of the new business ecology of virtual reality, the reform of DSM fails to effectively reflect the characteristics of VR, such as cross-industry, cross-space and cross-rules, and lacks the regulation of VR works attributes and "freedom of panorama" provisions. However, it is relatively progressive in the reform of network platform copyright supervision, infringement liability and dispute resolution mechanism. Taking this as a lesson, China should clarify the attribute of VR works in copyright law as early as possible, abandon the European-style "limitations and exceptions to copyright" mode and adopt the "fair use" legislation, appropriately establish the prior authorization mechanism of VR content-sharing service provider, encourage the establishment of third-party VR autonomous organizations, and explore the "VR + ODR" approach to improve the multiple dispute resolution mechanism, so as to strengthen the copyright protection of the new business ecology and the new field in China.
作者 韩赤风 刁舜 Han Chifeng;Diao Shun
出处 《电子知识产权》 CSSCI 2019年第7期41-55,共15页 Electronics Intellectual Property
关键词 欧盟版权指令 虚拟现实 新业态 著作权 DSM Virtual Reality New Business Ecology Copyright
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