
克隆代码检测技术研究 被引量:1

Research on Software Clone Detection Technology
摘要 在软件项目开发中复制代码片断是一个常见的现象,然后通过粘贴或修改之后再利用,这种重复使用的代码叫做克隆代码(clone code)。长期研究发现克隆代码可能会影响软件系统的质量,特别是对软件的维护和阅读理解,所以经常需要对其进行寻找定位。在寻找克隆代码的研究过程中,许多克隆检测技术和检测工具相继被提出,而如何能够更好地利用这些检测技术和工具将是非常重要的。通过对克隆代码相关领域的大量研究,文中阐述了克隆代码的定义、克隆相关术语及克隆类型;描述了克隆代码检测的一般过程;介绍了不同克隆代码检测方法及相关技术,以及对应各种技术开发的检测工具,并对各种方法进行了总结分析;分析了克隆检测技术在各领域的具体应用,并对其发展方向进行了展望。 It is a common phenomenon to copy a code fragment then reuse it after pasting or modifying in software project development.The reusable code is called clone code.Long-term studies have found that cloning code may affect the quality of software system,especially the maintenance and reading comprehension of software,so it is often necessary to locate it.In the process of searching for clone code,many clone detection techniques and detection tools have been proposed one after another,and how to make better use of them will be very important.We elaborate the definition and related terms and types of clone codes through a lot of research in the related fields of clone codes,describe the process of clone code detection,introduce different clone code detection methods and related technologies,as well as detection tools developed corresponding to various technologies,and summarize and analyze various methods.Finally,the application of clone detection technology in various fields is analyzed and the development direction is prospected.
作者 侯敏 张丽萍 HOU Min;ZHANG Li-ping(School of Computer and Information Engineering,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot 010022,China)
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2019年第8期86-91,共6页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金(61462071) 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(2016MS0612,2018MS06009) 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目(NJZY16045,NJZY17049)
关键词 软件维护 克隆代码 克隆检测 克隆管理 software maintenance clone code clone detection clone management
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