目的 建立高效液相色谱法测定辅助改善记忆力保健食品中牛磺酸含量的方法。方法以2,4-二硝基氟苯作为衍生剂,色谱柱:Agilent TC-C 18 (5μm,250×4.6mm),流动相:0.25%三乙胺(用磷酸调pH=3.0)-乙腈梯度洗脱,流速:1.0mL·min -1 ,柱温:25℃,在360nm波长处进行检测。结果 牛磺酸在31.4~314.0μg·mL-1 (R 2=0.9999,n=8)范围内与峰面积线性关系良好,加样回收率范围为98.72%~103.45%。结论本方法具有专属性强,灵敏度高,稳定性佳,重现性好,适用于辅助改善记忆力保健食品中牛磺酸的测定,可作为产品的质量控制方法。
OBJECTIVE To establish a method for determination of taurine in aux iliary improvement of memory health food. METHODS 2,4-dini trofluorobenzene as t he derivatization is developed.The high performance liquid chromatographic con dition was as follows.Taurine was separ ated by Agilent TC-C 18 Column(5μm,250×4.6mm),the mobile phase consis ted of a cetonitrile-0.25% triethylamine solution(pH adjusted to 3.0 with phosphoric a cid),at the flow rate of 1.0mL·min -1 ,the column temperature was 30℃ a nd the detection wavelength was set at 360nm. RESULTS The cali bration curve of ta urine concentration was linear in the range of 31.4-314.0μg·mL -1 (R 2 =0.9999,n=8).The average recovery was 98.72%- 103.45%. CONCLUSION The 2,4-dinitr ofluorobenzene as derivative reagent and HPLC method has strong specificity,hig h sensitivity,good stability and great repeatability,which could be used for de termination of taurine in auxiliary improvement of memory health food.
XU Shu-yu;GUAN Bin;CHEN Xiao-lin(Xiamen Traditional Chinese Medicine Co.,Ltd.Xiamen 361100,China)
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal