
跨组织协作、供应链电子化整合能力与供应链绩效——需求不确定性和组织内部信息技术的调节效应 被引量:8

Inter-organizational Collaboration,Supply Chain Electronic Integration Capacity and Supply Chain Performance——The Moderating Role of Demand Uncertainty and Intra-organizational IT
摘要 基于我国310家制造企业的问卷调查分析发现,跨组织协作二维化解构——协作意愿和共同改进行为皆可促进供应链电子化整合能力,在此过程中,需求不确定性正向调节共同改进行为与供应链电子化整合能力之间的关系,但是对协作意愿和供应链电子化整合能力之间的关系没有影响。同时,研究还发现组织内部信息技术可以协同供应链电子化整合能力提升供应链绩效。文章深化了资源基础理论和能力论在供应链上信息技术的应用,重点区分了组织内外部信息技术的不同应用及作用机制,试图将管理者的视野从简单的跨组织信息技术投资转向为企业的供应链电子化整合能力提升上,为供应链管理者提供决策指导。 Based on the data collected from 310 manufacturing companies in Chinese supply chains this study finds that the bilateral deconstruction of the inter-organizational collaboration facilitates the supply chain electronic integration. Results indicate that collaboration willingness and joint improvement performance can promote the SCEI capacity. This paper specifically explores into the moderating role of demand uncertainty in such relationship, shows that demand uncertainty is a moderator between joint improvement performance and SCEI capacity, but has no significant impact on the relationship between cooperation willingness and SCEI capacity. It also indicates that intra-organizational IT can enhance the supply chain performance as a moderator with SCEI capacity. The paper illustrates the applicability of the resource-based view (RBV) and competence-based theory to the contemporary era of IT in supply chain, making a systematic study on the driving factors of SCEI ability and its influence on supply chain performance. The findings provide significant managerial implications for supply chain practitioners and managers, in an attempt to shift their vision from inter-organizational IT investment to the improvement of SCEI capacity.
作者 张璇 赵军 ZHANG Xuan;ZHAO Jun(School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China)
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期5-19,共15页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“供应链视角下的信息技术影响机制及运作效率研究”(13CGL004)
关键词 跨组织协作 供应链电子化整合能力 需求不确定性 供应链绩效 组织内部IT inter-organizational collaboration supply chain electronic integration capacity demand uncertainty supply chain performance intra-organizational IT
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