1The Plays,The Collected Works Of W. B. Yeats, vol. II. New York : Palgrave,2001.
2Maria Tymoczko. Amateur Political Theatricals, Tableaux Vivants, And Cathleen Ni Houlihan, Warwick Gould. Yeats Annual No. 10. London: Mcmillan, 1993.
3James Pethica: "Our Kathleen" : Yeats' s Collaboration With Lady Gregory In The Writing Of Cathleen Ni Houlihan, Warwick Gould. Yeats Annual No. 6. London : Macmillan 1988.
4Diane Stubbings. Anglo - Irish Modernism And The Maternal. New York : Palgrave, 2000.
5Majorie Howes. Yeats' s Nations : Gender, Class And Irishness. Cambridge University, 1996.
6Later Articles And Reviews,The Collected Works Of W. B. Yeats,vol. X.
7Yeats : The Irish Dramatic Movement, Plays And Controversies, London : Macmillan, 1927.
8The Acting At St Teresa' s Hall, Later Articles And Reviews,The Collected Works Of W. B. Yeats,vol. X.
9A. Norman Jeffares and A. S. Knowland: A Commentary On The Collected Plays Of W. B. Yeats, Standford University Press, 1975.
10Jeffares and Knowland:A Commentary On The Collected Plays Of W. B. Yeats.