
公开市场操作、利率走廊与市场拆借利率 被引量:7

Open Market Operations, Interest Rate Corridors and the Inter-bank Offered Rate
摘要 文章构建了一个银行同业拆借市场的三期模型,为分析公开市场操作和利率走廊两种货币政策工具提供了一个理论框架。理论分析发现,公开市场操作和利率走廊都会影响拆借利率,但利率走廊稳定拆借利率的效果要优于公开市场操作。公开市场操作对拆借利率的影响大小取决于其是否被预期到,与基本面不一致的未预期到的公开市场操作会引起拆借利率的异常波动。而无论是预期到的还是未预期到的利率走廊,都能起到稳定拆借利率的作用。但具有严格抵押要求的利率走廊会减弱政策效果,抵押溢价会导致拆借利率突破政策利率上限。数值模拟分析进一步证实了上述结论。 In recent years, there have been sharp fluctuations in short-term interest rates in China’s financial markets, posing challenges to the implementation of monetary policies and the stability of financial markets. There was a similar phenomenon in LIBOR rates of major currencies during the financial crisis. After the financial crisis, the "interest rate corridor" gradually became a new trend of monetary policies, and the central bank of China gradually introduced a similar mechanism to implement monetary policies.This paper sets up a three-phase model of the inter-bank market, expanding the traditional analytical framework into a peer-to-peer market with OTC market attributes. This approach enables the model of this paper to characterize the heterogeneous characteristics of the bank’s liquidity, and distinguish between banks which need interest rate corridors and those which have no need of the corridors, so that the unique mechanism that interest rate corridors affect market liquidity can be reflected. The establishment of the interest rate corridor mechanism will affect the liquidity position of commercial banks by affecting the expected liquidity management costs and benefits of commercial banks. Thus, the inter-bank offered rate can be impacted and it will be stable within interest rate corridors. In order to highlight the unique mechanism of the interest rate corridor mechanism, this paper first analyzes the impact of open market operations with characteristics of quantitative regulation on market interest rates, and demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of the interest rate corridor mechanism through comparison.The theoretical analysis shows that open market operations and interest rate corridors have their own advantages and disadvantages in regulating interest rate fluctuations. First, open market operations regulate interest rate volatility by regulating the liquidity of the whole interbank market. Interest rate corridors only need to adjust the liquidity of part of the banks to regulate interest rate fluctuations, so interest rate corridors affect market activities from the margin, and the regulation has less disturbance to the market. Second, in terms of regulating short-term interest rates, both the expected open market operations and interest rate corridor adjustments will be constrained by the "liquidity substitution effect". Because of the liquidity substitution effect, the adjustment of open market operations may be completely offset, but that of interest rate corridors cannot be. In terms of stabilizing interest rates, open market operations rely on the judgment of the central bank, while interest rate corridors can be more independently implemented. Finally, under the interest rate corridor mechanism, a tight mortgage policy may cause the inter-bank offered rate to break through the interest rate corridor ceiling. However, the central bank can adjust the mortgage policy, using the camera selection strategy and the cooperation with macro-prudential management, which can respectively achieve different purposes for posthoc response and pre-existing prevention.
作者 黄志刚 刘郭方 Huang Zhigang;Liu Guofang(School of Finance,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing,100081,China)
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期31-44,共14页 Journal of Finance and Economics
关键词 公开市场操作 利率走廊 拆借利率 open market operations interest rate corridors inter-bank offered rate
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