
城市化系统与生态系统交互耦合时空特征及协调发展预警研究——以湖南省为例 被引量:8

Study on Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Interaction Coupling Between Regional Urbanization System and Ecosystem and Early-warning of Coordinated Development: A Case of Hunan Province
摘要 基于"系统演进特征分析-动态耦合规律验证-协调状态诊断及预警"框架,对湖南省2001年以来的城市化系统与生态系统交互耦合时空特征进行实证分析。研究发现:(1)湖南省城市化进程加速推进,综合发展指数由2001年的0.537逐年提升至2015年的0.785,达到中高水平,市州发展悬殊仅长沙市达到高水平。(2)生态系统健康指数呈U型走势,2015年达到0.764,处亚健康状态,系统压力较大是关键性限制因素。(3)城市化系统与生态系统耦合协调度先降后升,2015年提高到0.622,处基本协调的较低水平,各市州大多处于轻度失调-基本协调临界水平,分属生态建设滞后型、城市化滞后型和结构性污染型等3种类型。(4)从系统演进看,城市化系统与生态系统由轻度失调-逆向演替逐步转为轻度失调-正向演替、进一步转为基本协调-正向演替,预计2020年耦合协调度将提高到0.633,未来较长时期仍将处绿灯区,应采取适当的区域发展政策,推动城市化系统与生态系统内部要素调整磨合,向良性发展。 Spatial-temporal coupling characteristics of interaction between urbanization and eco-environment in Hunan since 2001 are analyzed empirically based on the framework of "analysis of system evolution characteristics-validation of dynamic coupling relationship-coordination status diagnosis and early warning". The results show that:(1) the comprehensive development index of urbanization in Hunan Province increased from 0.537 in 2001 to 0.785 in 2015, reaching a middle and high level, and Changsha is the only city which achieves high level in 14 cities;(2) the index of ecosystem health showed a trend of U, reaching 0.764 in 2015 and in sub-health state, and greater system pressure was the key limiting factor;(3) the degree of coordination between urbanization and eco-environment first declined and then increased to 0.622 in 2015, which was at a lower level of basic coordination, and most of the cities and towns were in the critical value of mild disorders to basic coordination, which belonged to three types: lagging behind ecological construction, lagging urbanization and structural pollution;(4) urbanization and eco-environment have changed from mild disorders-regressive succession to mild disorders-positive succession and further to basic coordination-positive succession from the overall perspective of system evolution, the coupling degree of urbanization and eco-environment will be increased to 0.633 in 2020;Hunan will be in the green area for a long time in the future, and appropriate regional development policies should be adopted to promote the healthy development of urbanization and eco-environment.
作者 李静芝 代宇涵 赵雯 樊晨曦 罗文婧 熊鹰 张永志 汤礼莎 LI Jing-zhi;DAI Yu-han;ZHAO Wen;FAN Chen-xi;LUO Wen-jing;XIONG Ying;ZHANG Yong-zhi;TANG Li-sha(School of Architecture, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410076, China;Key Laboratory of Dongting Lake Aquatic Eco-Environmental Control and Restoration of Hunan Province, Changsha 410114, China;Department of Natural Resources of Hunan Province, Changsha 410004, China;Business college Hunan First Normal University,Changsha 410008,China)
出处 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期1590-1601,共12页 Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(15BJY051) 国家自然科学基金项目(51609023) 湖南省自然科学基金项目(2018JJ3526) 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(17C0037)
关键词 城市化 生态系统健康 耦合协调度 时空特征 湖南省 urbanization ecosystem health coupling coordinative degree spatial-temporal characteristics Hunan province
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