

Offline Repairing Technology of 260t Converter Fixed Gas Hood
摘要 固定烟罩所处生产环境恶劣,需修复频率很高;同时固定烟罩结构复杂,修复难度较大。从材料管理、平台搭建、胎架制作、烟罩就位、尺寸复核、部件拆除、部件清理、受热面管弯制、质量检查,通球试验与弯管吹扫,从受热面管安装、焊接,从鳍片安装、焊接,从拉蒙管安装、管帽安装焊接以及罩体整体热处理等方面详细地介绍了固定烟罩离线修复技术的内容及质量标准。通过固定烟罩离线修复技术的应用,有效延长了汽化烟道使用寿命节约了成本。 The fixed gas hood is placed in severe production environment. Its repairing frequency is very high. Meanwhile, its structure is complicated. It is very difficult to repair. The content and quality standard of offline repair for fixed gas hood is described from the aspects of material management, platform building, jig fabrication, hood in position, size check, parts dismantle, cleaning, heating surface tube bending, quality inspection, ball passing test, bend pipe purging, installation and welding of heating surface pipe, fins, lamont tube and pipe cap, and heating treatment in detail. By applying offline repair technology in the fixed gas hood, the service lifetime of vaporizing flue is prolonged effectively, and cost is reduced.
作者 罗晓敏 LUO Xiao-min(China Iron & Steel Industry Association, Beijing 100711)
出处 《冶金设备管理与维修》 2019年第4期20-24,共5页 Metallurgical Equipment Management and Maintenance
关键词 转炉 固走烟罩 离线修复 冶金企业 Converter fixed gas hood offline repairing metallurgical enterprise
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