
倾倒非黏性颗粒时漏斗对休止角的影响 被引量:1

Influence of hopper on the angle of repose when pouring non-adhesive granular materials
摘要 将非黏性颗粒材料倾倒在平面上时,会形成锥形的堆积结构,它的母线与地面的角,即为休止角.研究漏斗对休止角的大小的影响,通过实验研究了下落高度和漏嘴口径对休止角的影响.在能形成休止角的情况下,下落高度影响了堆积结构与地面形成的休止角的大小,而漏嘴口径影响了在不同母线上休止角的大小.从数据的拟合结果可以看出,下落高度与休止角成反比,漏嘴口径与休止角的差值的倒数成正比,通过Matlab 2014a软件拟合得出的结论与理论曲线相符. When non-adhesive granular materials were poured on a plane, the tapered particle packing structure would be formed. The angle of repose was the angle between its generatrix and the plane. The influences of hopper height and the discharge spout diameter on the angle of repose were researched experimentally. When the angle of repose was formed, the influences of hopper height on the structure of particle packing and the magnitude of angle of repose, the influences of discharge spout diameter on the magnitudes of the angle of repose on different generatrices, were studied. Data fitting results showed that the height of the hopper was proportional to the angle of repose, the diameter of the discharge spout was proportional to the reciprocal of the differences of the angle of repose, and the experimental fitting curve obtained by Matlab 2014a was accorded to the theoretical curve.
作者 施宇轩 郝成红 黄耀清 尹亮亮 SHI Yu-xuan;HAO Cheng-hong;HUANG Yao-qing;YIN Liang-liang(School of Science, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China)
出处 《物理实验》 2019年第8期53-55,60,共4页 Physics Experimentation
关键词 非黏性颗粒 堆积 休止角 高度 non-adhesive granular material particle packing angle of repose height
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