
积极反刍思维训练的理论依据和方法初探 被引量:21

A Primary Study of The Theoretical Basis and Method of Positive Rumination Training
摘要 积极反刍思维训练是在梳理以往研究的基础上提出的,其理论依据源自积极心理学和认知疗法。其核心技术是用《积极和消极反刍思维量表》中的积极因子条目为指导思想进行思考;辅助技术包括听录音、抽象化和具体化、主体化和客题化、问题解决、接纳和宽容等。该方法包括七个步骤:介绍规则、了解问题、介绍原理、确定目标、核心技术训练、辅助技术训练、结束。其效果在大学生心理咨询和中学生心理课中得到了初步证明。 The positive rumination training is developed based on prior research and its theoretical basis is rooted in positive psychology and cognitive therapy.The key technique is to train clients to think with the guideline of positive items of the Positive and Negative Rumination Scale.The company techniques are:listening to counseling recording,concreteness and abstraction,subjectification and objectification,problem-solving,acceptance and tolerance.The positive rumination training includes seven steps:Introducing the rules,understanding the issues,introducing the principles,setting goals,key technique training,company technique training,and end stage.Its effectiveness has been proved and confirmed in psychological counseling for college students and mental health class for high school students.
作者 杨宏飞 YANG Hong-fei(Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310028,China)
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2019年第3期272-280,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(17NDJC198YB) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(17YJA190014)
关键词 积极反刍思维训练 消极反刍思维 心理健康 positive rumination training negative rumination mental health
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