
孔子“有教无类”思想新探 被引量:6

A New Exploration of Confucius’ Thought “You Jiao Wu Lei”
摘要 关于“有教无类”的解释众说纷纭,没有一种说法能够令人信服。广为人接受的解释是:不分贵贱贫富和种族,人人都可以入学受教育。然而,这个解释与孔子总体的教育思想不符。河北定县出土竹简《论语》中“有教无类”写作“有教无■”,这个字,应该释读为■。■从?得义,本义是“头部下坠的样子”,引申为“塌陷、崩溃”。“教”在春秋时期文献中的常用含义是“军事训练”。联系《论语·卫灵公篇》的具体语境分析,有教无■的含义是:如果对民众进行以仁义为核心的军事教育,就不会上下离心离德,导致国家覆亡。 Opinions are split on the interpretation of the thought “You Jiao Wu Lei”,but none of them is convincing.An interpretation widely accepted is: everyone can receive education regardless of fi nancial status,class and race.Yet Confucius said,“Only the wisest and the stupidest are diffi cult to be changed”.Therefore,the wisest and the stupidest should be excluded from the scope of education.There are more statements on the scope of education defined by Confucius in the Analects of Confucius.This example at least can prove that the interpretation of the idiom “You Jiao Wu Lei” as no limitation in the receivers of education is inconsistent with the general educational thoughts of Confucius.Some scholars have blazed a new trail by making an attempt to avoid the external factors of the receivers of education such as social and fi nancial status and race,but gave a new annotation to the character “Lei” from their inner nature such as gift and ability.That is,the nature of everyone is similar (men’s nature is alike) and has the possibility to receive education.As long as everyone can receive proper education,everyone will overcome the limitation of their postnatal environment and return to their inherent nature.However,at least in the Analects of Confucius,Confucius has not expressed this thought.To the contrary,Confucius has taught his students according to their aptitude.Seventy-two students of his have had their own specialty and reached a perfection of morality (by becoming a sage).Is it possible that ordinary people are not differentiated as receivers of education? This paper will re-explore the thought of “You Jiao Wu Lei” of Confucius on the basis of analyzing the inadequacies of the existing interpretations.The new exploration will follow the integrity principle of hermeneutics.On one hand,the idiom “You Jiao Wu Lei” will be interpreted in the text of Duke Ling of Wei and analyzed based on the overall thoughts of Confucius.On the other hand,the narrative part in the chapter of Duke Ling of Wei will be taken as the background for understanding the theory of “You Jiao Wu Lei” of Confucius.The new exploration will follow the track of the original interpretations and make a detailed textual research on related words.But this textual research will be established on the foundation of new archaeological data.In a bamboo slip edition of The Analects of Confucius unearthed from Dingxian County of Hebei Province,the idiom is written as “有教无■”.Through a textual research on the characters “■”“■”“■”,it can be inferred that of the character "■" on the unearthed bamboo slip,its left top part “山” was in fact “足”,which should be interpreted as "■".The character "■" originally meant “the pose of falling with the head down”,with the derived meaning of “collapse”.As to the character “教”,we are inclined to the interpretation of Zhao Jibin,a modern scholar.It is not “education” as understood by us in general sense,but means “military training”,a common meaning in the literature of The Spring and Autumn Period.A reading through the entire text of Duke Ling of Wei,each chapter is semantically connected with a clear sequence around the theme.From the “Zhi Ren Zhuang Li” in the 33rd chapter to “You Jiao Wu Lei” in the 39th chapter,the main idea of Confucius is how to handle the relationship between the monarch and the people,and adopt the governance of benevolence of Confucianism.Analyzed based on the specifi c context,the idiom should mean: If a military education centered on benevolence and justice was provided to the people,the people and the monarch will not be alienated from each other and the country will not perish.
作者 章小谦 ZHANG Xiaoqian
机构地区 江西师范大学
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期14-22,123,共10页 University Education Science
基金 2014年全国教育科学规划国家一般课题“基于甲骨文史料的商代教育史研究”(BOA140018)
关键词 论语 孔子思想 有教无类 有教无■ The Analects of Confucius Thought of Confucius You Jiao Wu Lei You Jiao Wu Kui
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