

Discussion on the Transforming Trend of Multinational Retailers under the Situation of “New Retail”
摘要 “新零售”形势已经全面铺开,跨国零售商面临着转型,为迎合“新零售”形势,跨国零售商应当总结以往发展阶段,对今后转型方向进行研究和探讨。跨国零售商在我国已经经历了三个发展阶段,这三个发展阶段分别是“跑马圈地期”“稳步发展期”和“后扩张期”。这三个阶段充分展现了跨国零售商的成长历史。在近几年,我国营收增速逐渐放缓,营业成本增加和市场竞争日益激烈逐渐成为跨国零售商发展受阻的主要原因,但是跨国零售商在我国依旧会继续迈出发展的脚步,尽管受阻,但是只要探索到突破现状的策略,那么就会继续发展。在“新零售”形势下,跨国零售商务必要走边缘,加强区域和业态调整,使实体店完成线上与线下零售的高度结合,这样才能加快跨国零售商的转型升级。 “New retail”situation has been fully developed,and multinational retailers are facing transformation. In order to cater to the“new retail”situation,multinational retailers should summarize the past development stages and study and discuss the future direction of transformation. Multinational retailers in China have gone through three stages of development,namely “horse race enclosure period”,“steady development period”and“post - expansion period”. These three stages fully show the growth history of multinational retailers. In recent years,the growth rate of revenue in China has slowed down gradually. Increased operating costs and increasingly fierce market competition have gradually become the main reasons for hindering the development of transnational retailers. However,multinational retailers in China will continue to take steps to develop. Although hindered,they will continue to develop as long as they explore strategies to break through the current status. Under the situation of“new retail”,multinational retailers must go to the edge,strengthen regional and business adjustment,and make physical stores complete the high integration of online and offline retail,so as to speed up the transformation and upgrading of multinational retailers.
作者 黄彬彬 HUANG Bin - bin(Sichuan Huaxin Modern Vocational College,Chengdu Sichuan 610107,China)
出处 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2019年第14期125-127,共3页 Journal of Hubei Open Vocational College
关键词 新零售 跨国零售商 转型动向 new retail multinational retailer transformation trend
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