
中哈边境病媒生物及携带病原体入侵的监控探讨 被引量:3

Surveillance and control of vectors and related pathogens in the China-Kazakhstan border
摘要 目的掌握中国-哈萨克斯坦边境(中哈边境)病媒生物种类及携带病原体入侵状况,为识别和防范外来物种及疫情跨境传播提供科学依据。方法 2009-2018年,在中哈边境创建5道病媒生物监控防线,在口岸通道中截获、采集宿主动物及体表游离的病媒生物,经形态学、血清学、PCR分子生物学分类鉴定及病原体检测筛查,对阳性产物克隆后测序、DNAMan与BLAST分析。结果在口岸出入境通道第1道监控防线中截获入侵病媒生物及动物尸体66批27种,其中鼠类11批2科3属5种11只,蚤类4批2科3属3种265匹,蜱类3批2科3属3种241只,蜚蠊类2批2种14只,野生动物类普通蝙蝠1批1只、沙狐1批1只,禽类(鸡、鸭、鸽子)及小型动物类等37批39只;大型动物类羊、骆驼及其牛骨、动物皮、脏器、尸体类7批7种。在第1、2、3道防线中,监测到病媒生物跨境入侵后形成入侵新种、形成种群、构成威胁、造成经济损失。在第4道中哈边境线采获两国间共有的小型哺乳动物、蚤、蜱27种,已分别从6种鼠类中检出8种病原体,5种蚤中检出4种病原体,2种蜱类中检出3种病原体,共计在4种宿主中检出13种病原体546份阳性样品。结论掌握了中哈两国边境地区共有的媒介种类及携带的病原体,为进一步监控其跨境传播提供了依据。 Objective To investigate the type of vectors and related pathogens in the China-Kazakhstan border, and to provide a scientific basis for identifying and preventing cross-border transmission of alien species and epidemic situation.Methods From 2009 to 2018, five lines for the surveillance and control of vectors were set up in the China-Kazakhstan border to capture and collect host animals and free vectors on body surface at the port of entry and exit. After taxonomic identification based on morphology, serology, and PCR molecular biology and pathogen detection and screening, positive products were cloned and sequenced, and DNAMan and BLAST analyses were performed. Results In the first line of vector surveillance and control at the port of entry and exit, 66 batches of vectors and animal carcasses belonging to 27 species were intercepted, i.e., 11 batches of rodents belonging to 2 families, 3 genera, and 5 species(n=11), 4 batches of fleas belonging to 2 families, 3 genera, and 3 species(n=265), 3 batches of ticks belonging to 2 families, 3 genera, and 3 species(n=241), 2 batches of cockroaches belonging to 2 species(n=14), 1 batch of bat(n=1), 1 batch of corsac fox(n=1), and 37 batches of poultry(chickens, ducks, and pigeons) and small animals(n=39), as well as 7 batches of large animals(sheep and camels), bovine bones, animal skins, viscera, and cadavers belonging to 7 species. In the first, second,and third lines of vector surveillance and control, new invasive species and populations were observed after the cross-border invasion of vectors, which posed great threats and caused economic losses. In the fourth line of vector surveillance and control, 27 species of small mammals, fleas, and ticks were collected along the China-Kazakhstan border. Eight pathogens were detected in six species of rodents, four pathogens were detected in five species of fleas, and three pathogens were detected in two species of ticks. A total of 546 positive samples with 13 pathogens were detected in their hosts.Conclusion The vectors and pathogens have been detected along the China-Kazakhstan border. It provides a basis for the vector surveillance and control to prevent its cross-border transmission.
作者 尹小平 刘戈 郑常东 白岑 张兆冠 李焱 刘勇 伍江 程天立 杨树兵 巴特尔 王远志 YIN Xiao-ping;LIU Ge;ZHENG Chang-dong;BAI Cen;ZHANG Zhao-guan;LI Yan;LIU Yong;WU Jiang;CHENG Tian-li;YANG Shu-bing;BA Te-er;WANG Yuan-zhi(Alashankou Customs, Alashankou 833418, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China;Altay Customs;Kashgar Customs;School of Medicine, Shihezi University)
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS 2019年第4期458-463,共6页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
基金 海关总署基金项目(2016IK264)~~
关键词 病媒生物 病原体 入侵传播 监控 边境口岸 Vector Pathogen Invasion and spread Surveillance and control Border port
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