【Communicative Competence and Profi原 ciency】 Although Hymes蒺s original paper was not concerned with language teaching, but with providing a theoretical framework which could describe the knowledge and capabilities of the successful language user, his model has exerted a considerable influence on all aspects of language teaching and assessment, including overall approach (Widdowson, 1978;Brumfit and Johnson, 1979), syllabus design (Johnson, 1982), methodology (Johnson and Morrow, 1981) and testing (Spolsky, 1989;Bachman, 1990). CC is often conflated with proficiency and equated with the knowledge of the NATIVE SPEAKER presented as the final (if usually unattainable) goal of language learning (for further discussion see Davies, 1996). Models for LANGUAGE TESTING are often close to models of CC, and exhibit the same theoretical problems concerning taxonomies of components: a danger of an open-ended proliferation of terms, difficulty in distinguishing knowledge from ability for use, and a need to specify relations between one component and another.
Foreign Language Teaching & Research in Basic Education