
如何认识当代资本主义——马克思主义经典作家思想与西方马克思主义思潮比较分析 被引量:1

Objective Understanding of Contemporary Capitalism——A Comparative Analysis of Classical Marxist Writers and Western Marxist Thoughts
摘要 相较于马克思所处资本主义时代,当代资本主义已发生了许多难以回避的重大变化,并且这些变化已在西方马克思主义思潮中有所反映。用唯物史观对当代资本主义加以批判性的反思,是坚持马克思主义的重要思想认识选择。在唯物史观视阈下,将马克思主义经典作家的思想与西方马克思主义思潮进行比较分析,从专业化分工、碎片化思维、符号消费、注重交往、追求承认等五个方面,批判性地反思与客观把握当代资本主义的时代变化与存在特点,以此加深对当代马克思主义研究应有的理论担当与责任的理解。 Compared with Marx's capitalist era, contemporary capitalism has undergone many major changes that are difficult to evade, and these changes have been reflected in the Western Marxist thoughts. The critical reflection of contemporary capitalism with historical materialism is an important choice of adhering to Marxism. Here, this article will from the perspective of historical materialismcompare and analyze Marxist classic writers and Western Marxist thoughts infive aspects such as specialized division of labor, fragmented thinking, symbolic consumption, attention to communication, and pursuit of recognition. By critically reflecting and objectively grasping the changes and characteristics of the times of contemporary capitalism, it will deepen the understanding of the theoretical responsibility of contemporary Marxist research.
作者 欧阳英 OUYANG Ying
出处 《中共中央党校(国家行政学院)学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期31-37,共7页 Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.P.C(Chinese Academy of Governance)
基金 中国社会科学院创新工程“长城学者资助计划”
关键词 唯物史观 当代资本主义 马克思主义经典作家 西方马克思主义思潮 historical materialism contemporary capitalism classic Marxist writer Western Marxism
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