
RDX基含铝炸药圆筒试验及状态方程研究 被引量:7

Study on the Cylinder Tests and Equation of State in RDX Based Aluminized Explosives
摘要 为了研究铝粉含量对含铝炸药作功能力的影响,同时获得含铝炸药中铝粉的反应规律,对5种不同配方的炸药(RDX、RDX/Al、RDX/LiF)开展了Φ25mm圆筒试验,利用光子多普勒测速技术(PDV)获得了圆筒的速度历程,在JWL状态方程的基础上提出了一种考虑铝粉二次反应速率的含铝炸药状态方程拟合方法。结果表明,对于粒径2μm的铝粉,结合光子多普勒测速技术,Φ25mm圆筒试验能够较好地表征铝粉的二次反应过程,铝粉反应的起始时间小于3μs,铝粉在10~15μs时间内已经反应完毕;新方法拟合得到的炸药状态方程较好地再现了圆筒膨胀过程,并能够对炸药中铝粉的反应情况进行半定量计算;3种铝粉含量的RDX/Al炸药中,质量分数15%的铝粉炸药作功能力最强;得出在炸药配方设计时,应综合考虑爆热和产物比容,单纯追求高爆热,不能获得最佳的毁伤效果。 To study the effect of aluminum powder content on the metal acceleration ability of alumized explosives and obtain the reaction law of aluminum, a series of 25 mm cylinder tests contained 5 different explosives (RDX, RDX/Al, RDX/LiF)were performed.The expanding velocities of cylinders were measured using Photonic Doppler Velocimetry(PDV).Based on JWL equation of state, a new fitting method was proposed to obtain the state equation containing the secondary reaction of aluminum in detonation products.The results show that for 2 μ m aluminum particles, 25 mm cylinder tests combining PDV could characterize the secondary reaction of aluminum.The reaction delay time of aluminum in detonation products was less than 3 μ s, and the reaction lasting time was between 10 to 15 μ s.The numerical simulation results of cylinder expanding using state equation in aluminized explosives by new method were in good agreement with the experimental results, and the state equation could be used to calculate the reaction progress of aluminium semi-quanlitatively.Among 3 kinds of RDX/Al formulations, the formulation containing 15% aluminum presented the best metal acceleration ability.Thus, both detonation heat and volume of gas products should be synthetically considered to obtain the best performance when a new explosive formulation was designed.
作者 裴红波 钟斌 李星瀚 张旭 郑贤旭 PEI Hong-bo;ZHONG Bin;LI Xing-han;ZHANG Xu;ZHENG Xian-xu(Institute of Fluid Physics,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang Sichuan 621999,China)
出处 《火炸药学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期403-409,共7页 Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.11602248) NSAF基金(No.U1630113)
关键词 爆炸力学 含铝炸药 圆筒试验 作功能力 状态方程 光子多普勒速度计 explosion mechanics aluminized explosive cylinder test power capability equation of state PDV
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