
第二产程异常时产钳助产和剖宫产的临床分析 被引量:2

Clinical Analysis of Midwifery Midwifery and Cesarean Section in the Second Stage of Labor Abnormality
摘要 目的分析第二产程异常时产钳助产和剖宫产的临床效果。方法自2016年11月—2018年11月选定本院收治的第二产程异常产妇112例,随机分研究组(56例,采纳产钳助产)和对照组(56例,采纳剖宫产助产),比较两组产妇并发症、分娩时间、产妇满意度。结果研究组产妇并发症发生率显著较对照组低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组分娩时间显著较对照组短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组产妇满意度显著较对照组高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论第二产程异常时采纳产钳助产,可有效降低产妇并发症发生率,缩短分娩时间,值得临床信赖。 Objective To analyze the clinical effects of forceps delivery and cesarean section in the second stage of labor abnormality. Methods From November 2016 to November 2018, 112 patients with abnormal secondary labor in the hospital were enrolled in the hospital. The patients were randomly divided into the study group (56 patients who received forceps assisted labor) and the control group (56 patients who underwent cesarean section). Midwifery), comparing maternal complications, delivery time, and maternal satisfaction. Results The incidence of maternal complications in the study group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P < 0.05), the delivery time in the study group was significantly shorter than that in the control group (P < 0.05), and the maternal satisfaction in the study group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion When the second stage of labor is abnormal, the production of forceps can be used to help reduce the incidence of maternal complications and shorten the delivery time. It is worthy of clinical trust.
作者 谭虹 谷金富 TAN Hong;GU Jinfu(Obstetrics Department ,Enshi Yafeiya Maternity Hospital, Enshi Hubei 445000,China)
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2019年第24期106-108,共3页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 第二产程异常 产钳助产 剖宫产 临床效果 并发症 满意度 second labor abnormality forceps assisted delivery cesarean section clinical effect complications satisfaction
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