
CORCA-3D软件调硼临界燃耗计算功能的开发和初步验证 被引量:3

Development and Validation of Critical Boron Concentration and Burnup Calculation of Software CORCA-3D
摘要 调硼临界燃耗计算功能是堆芯核设计软件的基本功能,先进节块法堆芯三维少群中子学计算软件CORCA-3D是中国核动力研究设计院研发的堆芯核设计软件,具有完全的自主知识产权。本文介绍CORCA-3D软件的调硼临界燃耗计算功能主要涉及的物理模型,并通过基准题、电厂实测数据及SCIENCE系统对CORCA-3D软件进行了对比验证,结果表明,CORCA-3D软件计算具备较高精度。 Critical boron concentration and burn-up calculations are the basic function for the reactor nuclear design software. Three-dimensioned few-group neutron calculation software CORCA-3D was developed by NPIC on self-independence, with full intellectual property rights, and it can be applied to the nuclear design and analysis. The theory of critical boron concentration and burn-up calculations in CORCA-3D is introduced in this paper, and the functions are validated with benchmark problems, measured data and the SCIENCE system. Results show that CORCA-3D is with high accuracy.
作者 安萍 马永强 郭凤晨 孙伟 芦韡 刘东 李庆 An Ping;Ma Yongqiang;Guo Fengchen;Sun Wei;Lu Wei;Liu Dong;Li Qing(Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory,Nuclear Power Institute of China,Chengdu,610213,China)
出处 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期161-165,共5页 Nuclear Power Engineering
关键词 堆芯核设计软件 少群扩散计算 临界硼浓度 Reactor nuclear design software Few-group diffusion calculation Critical boron concentration
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