
地下强爆炸诱发地表塌陷的试验模拟与应用 被引量:1

Simulation and analysis of surface subsidence associated with the underground strong explosion
摘要 地下核爆炸后会在地表产生下陷弹坑、塌陷带等不可逆变形爆炸后效应,利用地表形变信息对地下核试验进行有效监控和评估具有十分重要的意义。基于考虑重力影响的地下强爆炸塌陷成坑相似理论,利用陆军工程大学自主研制的地下爆炸效应真空室模拟试验装置,对2017年9月3日朝鲜地下核试验诱发的地表不可逆变形进行了模型试验。试验结果表明,地表塌陷带半径为257 m,下陷弹坑的半径为154 m,与美国、前苏联等国家已有的地下核试验经验公式的数据结果基本相当,并且符合天基雷达TS-InSar卫星监测数据的估算结果,验证了地下爆炸真空室模型试验在地下强爆炸诱发地表不可逆变形区域模拟和评估的可行性,成为有效补充地震波和卫星监测地下强爆炸的一种研究手段。 It is very important to monitor and evaluate the clandestine nuclear tests using the surface displacements such as subsidence craters induced by the underground nuclear explosion. Based on the similarity theory of the process of subsidence crater formation considering the influence of gravity, we conducted an explosive model test in a vacuum chamber, using our own independently developed explosive simulation apparatus and determined the subsidence zones of the surface displacements associated with the 3 September 2017 North Korean’s largest underground nuclear test. The results show that the radius of the surface subsidence zone is about 257 m, and the radius of collapse crater is about 154 m, which is equivalent to the estimated results according to the empirical formula and the monitored data of remote sensing with Synthetic Apeture Radar(SAR) by the TS-InSar satellite. Our results demonstrate that the explosive model test in a vacuum chamber can help characterize the irreversible zone of the surface displacements associated with the underground nuclear explosion, which has become an effective supplement of the seismological and satellite imagery methods to monitor the underground nuclear test.
作者 徐小辉 李杰 王明洋 XU Xiaohui;LI Jie;WANG Mingyang(College of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu, China;State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Explosion and Impact,Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 210007, Jiangsu, China)
出处 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期156-166,共11页 Explosion and Shock Waves
基金 国家自然科学基金(51409257)
关键词 朝鲜核试验 相似模型试验 真空室爆炸模拟 塌陷成坑 North Korean nuclear test similarity model test vacuum explosive model subsidence craters
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