
姚莹《康輶纪行》对《卫藏图识》资料的重视与利用 被引量:2

The Great Importance Yao Ying Attached to the Data Contained in the wei zang tu shi and His Quoting it in His kang you ji xing
摘要 姚莹《康輶纪行》是一部主要记今西藏及川西高原藏区史地及文化、民俗的著作。康藏之行及撰《康輶纪行》时,姚莹参考了《卫藏图识》等几部清代早期西藏地方志,从《卫藏图识》之《图考》上、下,《识略》上、下及《藏语》等卷中摘引了大量资料。姚莹重视《卫藏图识》的资料有迫切希望较深入地多方面了解西藏的原因。《康輶纪行》对《卫藏图识》资料的利用不仅量大,并具有利用其资料十分全面但又有重点等四个特点。姚莹对《卫藏图识》及资料价值的重视,说明《卫藏图识》修纂有特点,内容也显丰富,已是清代西藏地方志的代表性著作之一。 The kang you ji xing is a work which mainly records the history,geography,culture,and folk customs in Tibet and the Tibetan area in the western Sichuan high plateau at the time it was written.Once it was published,it attracted the attention of scholars and those who were concerned about Tibetan affairs.Yao Ying(1785-1853),the author of the book,had travelled to the Kang-Tibet area twice,setting off from Chengdu,Sichuan.On his way back and forth during these two trips,he wrote the first draft of the kang you ji xing using the form of a daily account.The published kang you ji xing includes sixteen volumes.Regardless of its categories,it was recorded in the time order along the travel route.Moreover,the length of each daily account was not the same,and the content involved various aspects and often was very broad.In addition to the daily accounts concerning what he saw and heard in the Tibetan area,Yao Ying took references from several local Tibetan chronicles from the early Qing dynasty,such as the wei zang tu shi from which he quoted a lot.There are two reasons why Yao Ying attached great importance to the data in the wei zang tu shi.The first is that Yao Ying,before these trips,had never been to Tibet and the Tibetan areas on the western Sichuan high plateau.So,he had little knowledge of Tibet and was eager to learn more about the area in various aspects.Another reason is that the way the text was edited and its content accorded well with the needs of Yao Ying’s journey and his research along the way.Therefore,he attached great importance to it and packed it into his luggage so as to read along the way,and it was cited mostly frequently and comprehensively in his kang you ji xing.This might also be one important reason why Yao Ying’s kang you ji xing became a classic for the study of Kang-Tibet history.So,we can also say that the constantly developing local chronicles about Tibet in the Qing dynasty had become an important body of literature or classics and played an irreplaceable role for enabling Chinese people to understand Tibet during the Daoguang period.
作者 赵长治 Zhao Changzhi(School of History and Culture, Sichuan University, Chengdu,610065,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期92-98,128-128,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“西藏地方志资料的整理与研究”(17ZDA159)阶段性成果
关键词 姚莹 《康輶纪行》 《卫藏图识》 方志资料 清代西藏地方志 Yao Ying kang you ji xing wei zang tu shi local chronicles Tibet Qing dynasty
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