
弹幕研究述评及展望 被引量:6

Bullet Screen: Literature Review
摘要 在Web3.0时代技术进步已经成为提升用户体验的关键因素,弹幕作为一种新型的用户创作内容(User Genrated Content),近些年先后出现在主流视频网站、影院、音乐APP、直播、电视节目等各大平台,有效提升了用户的参与感、增加了用户黏度。弹幕是一种实时的线上评论,虽然国内外关于线上评论的研究已非常成熟,但是由于弹幕出现时间较晚,因此学者对弹幕的研究近几年才起步。基于此,本文从弹幕与线上评论的差异、弹幕的文化、特点、用户发送弹幕的动机、弹幕对用户的影响、弹幕的应用这几个方面梳理国内外学者对弹幕的研究,并提出了学者未来的研究方向。 User participation has always been a prerequisite for the success of web platforms. However, in the Web3.0 era,technological progress has become a key factor in improving user experience. As a new form of online comment, Bullet screen has appeared on mainstream video websites, cinemas, music APP, live broadcasts, TV programs and other platforms in recent years, which has effectively enhanced users’ sense of participation and increased user viscosity. Bullet screen is a kind of real-time online comment. Although the research on online comment has been very mature at home and abroad,the research on bullet screen by domestic scholars only started in recent years due to the late appearance of bullet screen.Based on this, this paper takes the review of related literature, containing the differences between bullet screen and online comments, culture and characteristics of bullet screen, the motive of bullet screen users, the influence of the bullet screen on users, the differences between bullet screen and online comments, bullet screen on different application platform the application value. Finally, this paper states several directions on future research and application.
作者 梁栋 Liang Dong(School of Business, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
出处 《未来与发展》 2019年第8期36-43,共8页 Future and Development
基金 中国人民大学2018年度拔尖创新人才培育资助计划成果
关键词 弹幕 用户参与 用户体验 bullet screen user participation user experience
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