
温度驯化对树麻雀糖原含量及脱支酶活性影响 被引量:1

Effects of temperature on glycogen content and debranching enzyme activity in Passer montanus
摘要 为了研究温度驯化对树麻雀糖原含量及脱支酶活性的影响,将野外捕获的树麻雀按体质量随机分为高温组(35℃)、低温组(5℃)和对照组(25℃),驯化4周,探讨不同温度对树麻雀体质量、器官质量、基础代谢率、体脂质量分数(索氏抽提法)、糖原含量(硫酸蒽酮法)和脱支酶活性等生理生化指标的影响.结果表明,(1)低温组随着驯化的进行,体质量逐渐下降,至驯化结束共下降0.80g,与对照组比较差异极显著(p<0.01);而高温组的体质量随着驯化的进行逐渐上升,驯化结束后共增长了0.60g,与对照组比较差异极显著(p<0.01).(2)高温组的基础代谢率逐渐降低,在驯化0~1周内基础代谢率急剧下降,第4周驯化结束时与初始相比减小了0.39mLO2/(g·h),和对照组相较差异极显著(p<0.01);低温组的基础代谢率逐渐增高,在驯化1~3周内基础代谢率大幅增加,第4周驯化结束时与初始相比增加了0.51mLO2/(g·h),与对照组比较差异极显著(p<0.01).(3)低温组体脂质量分数比对照组低3.17%,高温组体脂质量分数比对照组高1.46%,3组间的差异极显著(p<0.01).(4)3组间肌肉内脱支酶活性均无显著性差异(p>0.05);而肝脏内脱支酶活性低温组与高温组差异极显著(p<0.01).(5)低温组、高温组与对照组比较肌糖原含量差异均极显著(p<0.01);3组间肝糖原含量差异均极显著(p<0.01).(6)高温组和低温组肾、胰、脾的干质量与对照组无显著性差异(p>0.05).揭示温度是影响树麻雀产热特征性变化的一个主要环境因素,高温环境下,树麻雀通过降低代谢率和对食物的消化吸收速率,降低体内脱支酶活性来减少能量耗费,以适应环境温度的变化. In order to study the effects of temperature acclimation on the glycogen content and debranching enzyme activity of Passer montanus.Select four weeks domestication Passer montanus which caught in the wild to test the effects of temperature on their body weight,organ mass,basal metabolic rate,body fat mass fraction(by soxhlet extractionmemthod),glycogen content(Sulfuric acid anthrone method),debranching enzyme activity and other physiological and biochemical indicators.Three treatments were prepared,they were high-temperature group(35 ℃),low-temperature group(5 ℃)and the control group(25 ℃).The results showed that,(1)After domestication, Passer montanus body weight in low-temperature group decreased 0.80 g in total,body mass reached very significant level compared to the control group(p<0.01);body weight in high-temperature group increased 0.60 g in total,very significant level compared to the control group(p<0.01).(2)Basal metabolic rate in high-temperature group in 0~1 weeks got obvious decrease,after four weeks domestication decrease amount of 0.39 mL O2/(g·h),it reached very significant level compared to the control group(p<0.01);basal metabolic rate in low-temperature group in 1~3 weeks got obvious increase,after four weeks domestication increase amount of 0.51 mL O2(/ g·h),it reached very significant level compared to the control group(p<0.01).(3)Body fat mass fraction in low-temperature group was lower 3.17% than that in control group,body fat mass fraction in high-temperature group was higher 1.46% than that in control group,the body fat mass fractions of tree sparrows among the low temperature group,the three groups were significantly different(p<0.01).(4)The body debranching enzyme activity in muscle of tree sparrows among the low temperature group,the three groups were no significantly different(p>0.05);low-temperature group debranching enzyme activity in liver was very significant compared to the high-temperature group(p<0.01).(5)Control group muscle glycogen was very significant compared to the low-temperature group and high-temperature group(p<0.01);Three groups liver glycogen was very significant compared to each other(p<0.01).(6)The dry weight of kidney, pancreas and spleen in low-temperature group and high-temperature group were not reached very significant level compared them with the control group(p>0.05).Temperature was the main environmental factors affecting the change of thermogenesis at the condition of the outside temperature.In the high-temperature,Passer montanus could adapt itself to the change of temperature by lowering body weight,basal metabolic rate,debranching enzyme activity in liver and muscle tissues to compensate the energy consumption from a series of physiological and biochemical reactions.
作者 贺婷 徐兴军 王有祥 康文锦 刘佳人 邵淑丽 王维禹 张伟伟 李旭艳 HE Ting;XU Xing-jun;WANG You-xiang;KANG Wen-jin;LIU Jia-ren;SHAO Shuli;WANG Wei-yu;ZHANG Wei-wei;LI Xu-yan(School of Life Sciences and Agriculture Forestry,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar 161006,China;Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Resistance Gene Engineering and Protection of Biodiversity in Cold Areas,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar 161006,China;Changyuan school of Rushan,Rushan 264500,China)
出处 《高师理科学刊》 2019年第8期58-64,共7页 Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University
基金 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(12541885) 齐齐哈尔大学研究生创新科研项目(YJSCX2017-029X)
关键词 树麻雀 温度 基础代谢率 脱支酶 糖原 Passer montanus temperature basal metabolic rate debranching enzyme glycogen content
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