
生物学标志物在心脏术后谵妄早期诊断及病情评估中的研究进展 被引量:7

Rresearch progress in the biom arkers for the early diagnosis and assessment of delirium after cardiac surgery
摘要 谵妄是心脏术后常见并发症之一,多见于老年患者.术后谵妄的出现延长了患者的住院时间、增加了术后并发症的发生率及死亡率.通过对相关生物学标志物的研究有望协助术后谵妄的早期诊断及病情评估.本文参阅近年相关文献,从基因、炎性因子、神经递质及神经细胞损伤产物等方面对心脏术后谵妄相关生物学标志物的研究进展进行综述. Delirium is one of the common complications after cardiac surgery, especially in elderly patients. The presence of postoperative delirium prolongs hospital stay, increases postoperative complications and mortality. Research on relevant biomarkers is expected to assist in early diagnosis and assessment of postoperative delirium. This article consults recent literatures and reviews the progress of research on biomarkers related to delirium after cardiac surgery from genes, inflammatory factors, neurotransmitters and neuronal damage products.
作者 袁静雅 张喆 YUAN Jing-ya;ZHANG Zhe(Department of Cardiosurgery, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China)
出处 《中国心血管病研究》 CAS 2019年第8期699-703,共5页 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Research
关键词 生物学标志物 心脏手术 谵妄 Biomarkers Cardiac surgery Delirium
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