
琯溪蜜柚品质综合评价及优质高产的营养诊断 被引量:15

Synthetical Quality Evaluation and Nutrient Diagnosis Based on High-Quality and High-Yield for ’Guanximiyou’ Pummelo Production
摘要 通过对302个代表性蜜柚果园的品质成分和叶片营养状况进行系统分析,探讨琯溪蜜柚果实品质评价中的主要影响因子以及对不同区域和土壤类型果园的果实品质进行综合评价,确定高产优质果树叶片养分元素适宜含量,并采用诊断施肥综合法(DRIS)对蜜柚果园进行了营养诊断研究。结果表明:经因子分析,提取出3个特征根>1的公因子,累积贡献率为69.7%,第1公因子中起主要作用的指标是固酸比、可溶性固形物和总糖,方差贡献率为36.8%;第2公因子中起主要作用的指标是粒化率和开裂瓣数,方差贡献率为20.3%;第3公因子中起主要作用的指标是单果重和可滴定酸,方差贡献率为12.7%;东半县的果实品质综合评价得分要优于西半县,山地红壤的果实品质综合得分要优于水稻土;琯溪蜜柚优质高产生产的叶片元素含量的适宜范围分别为:N2.15%~2.80%,P0.12%~0.17%,K1.25%~1.85%,Ca2.10%~4.25%,Mg0.25%~0.55%,S0.25%~0.40%,Mn20~145mg/kg,Zn25~50mg/kg,B35~135mg/kg;通过DRIS营养诊断表明,东半县山地红壤果园最缺乏的元素是B、Mg和Ca,东半县水稻土果园最缺乏的元素是Mg、N和P,西半县山地红壤果园最缺乏的元素是Zn、Ca和Mg,西半县水稻土果园最缺乏的元素是Zn、K和S。因此,为满足人们对果实品质的更高要求,亟需根据新的营养诊断标准和区域的差异性调整施肥策略,实现琯溪蜜柚果实产量和品质的协同提高,促进琯溪蜜柚产业的可持续发展。 Three hundred and two 'Guanximiyou' pummelo (Citrus grandis) orchards from Pinghe County,the southern region of Fujian Province,China,were selected for this study. The objectives were to determine (i) the primary factors affecting fruit quality and synthetical fruit quality status of 'Guanximiyou' pummelo from different regions and soil types,(ii) optimum range of mineral element contents of the leaves for high-quality and high-yield 'Guanximiyou' pummelo production,and (iii) nutrition status of 'Guanximiyou' pummelo orchards based on Diagnosis and the Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) method. The results showed that three factors (eigenvalue>1) were extracted by the factor analysis with their cumulative contribution approximated to 69.7%. The first factor was determined by the ratio of soluble solid content to titration acid,total soluble solids and total sugar content,with variance contribution approached to 36.8%. The second factor was determined by sac granulation and juice sac granulated segments,with variance contribution approached to 20.3%. The third factor was determined by fresh weight of whole fruit and titratable acidity with variance contribution approached to 12.7%. The synthetical score of fruit quality in the east of Pinghe County was higher than that in the west of Pinghe County,while the synthetical score of fruit quality in hilly red soil orchards was higher than that in paddy soil. The values of the optimum ranges of mineral elements of the leaves for high-quality and high-yield 'Guanximiyou' pummelo production were: N 2.15%-2.80%,P 0.12%-0.17%,K 1.25%-1.85%,Ca 2.10%-4.25%,Mg 0.25%-0.55%,S 0.25%-0.40%,Mn 20-145 mg/kg,Zn 25-50 mg/kg,B 35-135 mg/kg. The DRIS diagnostic results indicated that the most deficient elements for various 'Guanximiyou' pummelo regions of Pinghe County were as follows: B,Mg and Ca for the hilly red soil orchards of the east Pinghe County;Mg,N and P for the paddy soil orchards of the east Pinghe County;Zn,Ca and Mg for the hilly red soil orchards of the west Pinghe County;and Zn,K and S for the paddy soil orchards of the west Pinghe County. In conclusion,optimized nutrient management based on new nutrition diagnosis standards and regional difference is essential for achieving high-quality and high-yield 'Guanximiyou' pummelo production.
作者 吴良泉 张世昌 朱东煌 林锋 罗丽娟 李荟星 郑明瑜 李延 陈立松 WU Liangquan;ZHANG Shichang;ZHU Donghuang;LIN Feng;LUO Lijuan;LI Huixing;ZHENG Mingyu;LI Yan;CHEN Lisong(College of Resources and Environment,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;International Magnesium Institute,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;General Station of Farming Soil and Fertilizer of Fujian Province,Fuzhou,Fujian 350003,China;Agricultural and Countryside Bureau of Pinghe County,Zhangzhou,Fujian 363700,China)
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期1693-1699,共7页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(No.2016YFD0200400,No.2016YFD0200401) 国家农业(柑橘)产业技术体系专项(No.CARS-26-01A) 国际镁营养研究所项目(No.IMI2018-07)
关键词 琯溪蜜柚 品质 综合评价 叶片营养诊断 DRIS 'Guanximiyou' pummelo fruit quality synthetical evaluation leaf nutrition diagnosis DRIS
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