When visiting someone's home, whether they're a close family member, a friend, or a colleague, it is important to be a polite guest. Your manners could make all the difference between a pleasant stay or a disastrous1 one. Be polite in order to make sure that your stay is enjoyable both for yourself and your hosts.Communicating with Your Host 1.Be specific with dates of arrival and departure. Don't keep your visit open-ended2. Also, don't book an airline reservation before you first discuss it with your host. If your host has agreed to certain dates, don t try to add on to those dates without discussing it, and respect that your host may have to discuss your stay with their family or housemate. Avoid overstaying your visit. Even though you have been invited into their home, your hosts may have rearranged their normal routines on your behalf. If you are staying for a period longer than three days, consider changing the arrangement, or finding ways to leave and stay elsewhere for a few days to give your hosts some private time.
English Journal for Middle School Students