

Evolution of American Oil Strategy and Its Enlightenment to China
摘要 世界各国都将石油的可获得性放置于本国能源安全的高度,尤其是美国。第一次石油危机后,美国历届政府均是以“石油独立”为核心来实现“能源独立”战略,而为了维护本国石油利益,美国政府采取对外干预的外交政策。美国的石油外交政策可以大致概况为两条主线:对“不友好”的政权采取贸易歧视、经济制裁,甚至军事干预;对“相对友好”的政府则施以各种援助。为了减少对中东等局势不稳定的高风险地区的依赖,美国加快了实现石油进口来源多元化的步伐,比较典型的例子是对非洲实行了经济和军事援助。同时构建“石油美元”机制,通过美元回流来巩固其在国际交易中的霸权地位。可以看出,美国为了获取石油资源无所不用其极。当前美国能源自给率正在逐步提高,而我国石油资源匮乏,对外依存度连年攀升,研究美国的石油战略演进,对我国能源安全具有重要意义,但要有选择地借鉴其经验。我国目前应努力开拓能源多样化来源,加大对清洁煤利用技术的科技研发投入,开发各种新的替代资源。同时扩大石油来源,加大石油储备力度;积极开展与石油供应国多方位的战略合作。 Countries all over the world , especially the United States , attach utmost importance to oil availability in national energy security.Since the first oil crisis , successive governments of the US have implemented the energy independence strategy with oil independence as the core and adopted a diplomatic strategy of foreign intervention to safeguard their oil interests.The US oil diplomatic strategy can be roughly summarized as the trade discrimination , economic sanction or even military intervention for unfriendly regimes and the various aids for relatively friendly governments.In order to reduce its dependence on high-risk areas of political instability such as the Middle East , the US has accelerated the pace of diversification of oil import sources , and a typical example is the economic and military assistance to Africa.At the same time , the oil-dollar mechanism was constructed to consolidate its hegemonic position in international transactions through the return of dollars.It can be seen that the US has taken every means to obtain oil resources.Currently the US self-sufficiency rate of energy is gradually increasing , while China is lack of oil resources and its dependence on foreign countries rises year by year.Studying the evolution of American oil strategy is of great significance to China′s energy security , but its experience should be selectively learned from.At present , China should strive to develop diversified energy sources , increase the investment in scientific research and development of clean coal utilization technologies and develop new alternative resources.At the same time , oil sources should be expanded to increase oil reserves , and multi-faceted strategic cooperation should be actively carried out with oil suppliers.
作者 李芳琴 Li Fangqin(Institute of Mineral Resource,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037)
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2019年第8期1-6,共6页 Sino-Global Energy
基金 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“我国紧缺矿产资源保障与全球布局战略”(编号:DD20190199)
关键词 石油战略演进 能源安全 外交政策 石油进口 多元化 美国 evolution of oil strategy energy security diplomatic strategy oil import diversification US
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