
商场空调系统的诊断调试及案例研究 被引量:2

Diagnosis and Equipment Debugging of Air-conditioning System in Shopping Mall and a Case Study
摘要 空调系统的常规运行通常基于建筑物的峰值冷负荷,而峰值冷负荷在一年中仅在非常小的一部分时间内达到其峰值水平。空调系统长期运行在比较恶劣的工况下,从而导致很显著的能源浪费。提出了一种空调系统的诊断调试流程及方法,通过隔离空调区域与非空调区域、调节冷却/冷冻水力平衡、优化冷冻水供水温度设定等实现空调系统的能耗降低。一幢商业建筑被用来案例调试研究,以展示和验证该空调系统的诊断调试流程及方法。结果表明,按照该诊断调试流程及方法的空调系统能耗可以降低20%。 Normal operation of an air conditioning system is usually based on the peak cooling load of the building,while the cooling load reaches its peak level in a very small proportion of the year. This results in that the air-conditioning system operates under relatively harsh conditions in a longterm and thus a great amountof energy is significantly wasted. A diagnosis and equipment debugging process for an air-conditioning system were proposed.The energy consumption of air-conditioning system is reduced by isolating the air-conditioned area from the non-air-conditioned area,adjusting the cooling water/chilled water hydraulic balance,and optimizing the chilled water supply temperature reset. A case study of a commercial building was used to demonstrate and verify the diagnosis and equipment debugging process of the air conditioning system. The results show that the energy consumption of the air-conditioning system can be reduced by around 20% according to the diagnosis and equipment debugging method.
作者 杨远林 程奇 张圆圆 YANG Yuan-lin;CHENG Qi;ZHANG Yuan-yuan(Shenzhen Secom Technology Co.,LTD.,Shenzhen 518000,China)
出处 《机电工程技术》 2019年第8期299-304,共6页 Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology
关键词 空调系统 诊断调试 能耗 air-conditioning system diagnosis and equipment debugging energy consumption
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